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Translation Techniques of English Words(一)2 21 1 词义的选择与引申词义的选择与引申 (selection and extension of the (selection and extension of the meaning of a word)meaning of a word) 一、词义的选择 英语和汉语在词汇方面存在较大差异,在两种语言中,很 难找到一词一义的对应情况,这就需要我们在翻译过程中 理解英语原文单词的意思,然后努力地在汉语中寻找与这 个英语单词具有相同意义的常用表达方法;同时,英语单 词在不同的场合和搭配中,词义有时差别很大。如果把某 些英语单词或词组按词典上的意义直译过来,就会使译文 晦涩生硬,不易理解,甚至还可能引起误解。以常用词 “home”为例,其基 本含义是“家”。但是,当词类不 一样,或上下文不一样,对它的翻译就 完全不同。 1Ill see the children Ill see the children homehome tonight tonight 译文译文今晚我送孩子们回家。 评析评析本句中“homehome“作副词,意思是“回家”。 2 2The stupidity of his behavior was brought The stupidity of his behavior was brought homehome to to himhim 译文译文他彻底明白了他行为的愚蠢。 评析评析本句中“homehome”作名词,“bring something bring something home to somebodyhome to somebody“属固定搭配,意思是“使某人彻底 了解”。 3 3Maternity Maternity home home costs in America have gone up costs in America have gone up sharplysharply 译文译文)美国妇产医院收费已急剧上涨。 评析评析本句中“homehome”作名词,根据上下文,应将 “maternity homematernity home“译为“妇产医院”。 4 4Much is produced here for Much is produced here for homehome market market 译文译文这里为国内市场生产了许多产品 。 评析评析)本句中“home”作形容词,意思 是“国内的”。 5 5He was born in EnglandHe was born in England,but he now looks at but he now looks at Paris of his Paris of his homehome 译文译文他出生在英国,但现在将巴黎看成是他 的家乡。 评析评析本句中“homehome“作名词,意思是“家乡 ”。 6 6Hes Hes at homeat home with the classics with the classics 译文译文他精通古典文学。 评析评析介问短语“at homeat home”在本句中的意思是“ 精通”。 7 7“ “Our next football match Our next football match at homeat home or away? or away? 译文译文)我们下次的比赛是在本地还是在他处举行 ? 评析评析介问短语“at homeat home“本句中的意思是“在 本地”。 8 8MrsMrsHillHill is not is not at homeat home to everyone except to everyone except relativesrelatives 译文译文希尔太太不会客,但亲戚除外。 (评析评析)介词短语“at homeat home“本句中的意思是“接 待宾客”。 9 9She did not feel She did not feel at homeat home in such a in such a splendid housesplendid house 译文译文那个女孩在这样富丽堂皇的房子 卫感到拘束。 评析评析)介词短语“at homeat home”本句中的 意思是“自由自在”。 1010The control lever should be turned The control lever should be turned to itsto its home home position in time position in time 译文译文应及时将操纵杆复位。 评析“homehome“在这里作形容词,意为 “原来的” 1111The screw on the end cap must be driven The screw on the end cap must be driven homehome 译文译文必须将端盖上的螺钉拧紧。 评析评析“home“在这里作副词,意为“到底” 。 1212The plane The plane homedhomed to its carrier under the to its carrier under the guide of electronicguide of electronic navigation systemnavigation system 译文译文)飞机在电子导航系统的引导下飞回航空 母舰。 评析评析“homehome“在这里作动词,意为“回到” 。 由此可见,一词多类、一词多义的现象在 英语中十分普遍。翻译时,词义的选择应从以 下几方面着手: 1根据词类判断词义 许多英语单词具有不同的词性,即分属 几种不同的词类,有时候当名词用,有时 候当动词用;有时候作形容词,有时候作 副词等等。词类不同,词义存在不同程度 的差异。词汇的多种词类往往造成词义理 解和翻泽的困难。翻泽时,我们可以根据 语法关系来辨别该词在句中的词类及其充 当的成分,以便准确地判断词义。例如: workers on low incomes buy low and sell high fall to new low 又如: net profit communication net net a fat profit(low为形容词) 低收入的工人 (low为副词) 贱买贵卖 (low为名词) 跌到新的低点 (net为形容词) 纯利润 (net为名词) 通讯网(net为动词) 净赚一大笔钱 “lowlow“和“netnet“在以上短语中的词类各不 相同,词义也大相径庭。 在句子中,主 要依靠语法知识辨别词的类别,以此断定 词义。 1 1I thinkI think,howeverhowever,thatthat,providedprovided work is work is not excessive in amountnot excessive in amount,even the dullest even the dullest workwork is to most people less painful than idlenessis to most people less painful than idleness 译文然而,我认为,对大多数人来说,只要 工作量不是太大,即使所做的事再单调也总比 无所事事好受。 评析若把“providedprovided看作过去分词,修 饰”workwork,语法上没有问题,但意思不通 ,逻辑也不对;如果把它看作个连词, 作“ 假如”、“只要”解,意思就通顺了。因此 ,正确判断词类是选择词义的前提。 2 2LikeLike enough enough,the suspect will turn up in the the suspect will turn up in the hotel near the railway stationhotel near the railway station 译文译文)那个嫌疑人很可能会出现在火车站附近 的酒店里。 评析评析like“的词类和用法较多样。此句 中“like“用作副词,修饰 “enough, “like enough的意思是“大概、可能”, 多用于口语当中。 3 3The foreign minister The foreign minister fieldedfielded with ease all the with ease all the questions the correspondents had raisedquestions the correspondents had raised 译文译文外交部长对记者提出的问题对答如流。 (评析评析)根据语法可以判断出“fieldfield”在此句 作动词使用,本意是 “棒球比赛中接或截球” ,这里理解为“回答问题”。 2 2根据句子的内容判断词义根据句子的内容判断词义 同个词即使属于同词类,当它们被使用在 不同学科、不同领域,意义也大不相同。例如 ,在一般用语中“bridgebridge的词义是“桥”, 在 乐器方面它用来指“小提琴等上绷弦的琴马 ”;在口腔学中它的意思是 “齿桥”;此外, 它还有“桥牌”和“鼻梁”的词义。又如, “inductioninduction”在一 般用语中词义是“正式就 职,入会”,但在物理学方面它的词义就变成 了 “感应线圈”。再如,“premisepremise的常用 词义是“前提”,但一旦用于法律 事务上,其 词义为“契约之缘起或要件”。翻译时必须充 分考虑词汇的使用场合来确定词义。 1 1As with the locomotive bogieAs with the locomotive bogie,the coach the coach bogie is a bogie is a four wheelfour wheel or or sixwheelsixwheel truck truck, supporting the coachend through the medium supporting the coachend through the medium of a pivotof a pivot,and with freedom to swingand with freedom to swing 译文译文)同机车转向架一样,客车转向架也是二 轴或三轴的,利用枢轴支撑车厢的端部,使之 可以自由转动。 评析评析句中“f
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