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摘摘 要要本文简要介绍了系统研制的背景,给出了系统研制的目的和意义。针对智能车辆对数据采集系统的特殊要求,设计了车载加速度采集系统的硬件电路与软件结构,给出了该系统硬件、软件的具体实现方法,给出了关键部分的电路图。本数据采集系统的硬件系统的主要模块有:数据采集系统的 CPU 模块、采集系统前向通道、系统的 A/D 采样模块、系统的通讯传输模块。系统软件结构设计主要包括两部分:串行数据采集/传输程序和与 PC 机的通讯程序。本文主要做了以下工作:首先介绍了数据采集系统的软硬件结构及其功能,还有其实现方法,随后详细论述了基于单片机的车载加速度数据采集系统,分别介绍了单片机选型、加速度传感器的简要工作原理及采集电路的连接、AD7706的工作原理及其连接电路、与上位机的串行 USB 接口电路、系统软件的结构设计及系统抗干扰技术中的硬件看门狗技术,最后完成了基于单片机的 3 通道加速度采集系统的系统硬件总电路及软件结构设计,形成了一个完整的加速度信号采集系统,它能较好地满足车载加速度采集的需要。关键词:关键词:数据采集 ICP 型加速度传感器 串行 A/D 转换器 单片机 通信 看门狗The Design of MCU-based intelligent vehicles Acceleration Acquisition SystemAbstractThis paper describes the background of system development, given the purpose and meaning of the system development. For intelligent vehicle data acquisition system, special requirements, design the vehicle acceleration acquisition system hardware and software architecture, gives the system hardware, software, specific methods, then the circuit of key part.The data acquisition hardware systems main modules are: data acquisition system CPU module, the forward channel acquisition system (sensor sampling and signal conditioning circuit), the systems A/D sampling module, the system of communication transmission module. System software design includes two parts: a serial data acquisition/transfer procedures and the PC-communication program.In this paper, I did the following work: Firstly, discussed the data acquisition systems hardware and software structure and function, as well as its realization, and then discussed the vehicle acceleration based on single chip data acquisition system in detail, introduced the MCU selection, acceleration sensor Summary principle and acquisition circuit connections, AD7706 works and its connection circuit, and the communication with host computer by a serial USB interface circuit, system software design and system structure of anti-jamming technology hardware watchdog technology. Last, completed MCU-based Acquisition System 3-channel acceleration hardware circuit and software architecture design, forming a complete acceleration signal acquisition system, it can better meet the needs of vehicle acceleration acquisition.Key words:Data AcquisitionICP-type AccelerometerSerial A/D ConverterMicrocontroller(MCU)CommunicationWatch-dog目录目录1. 绪论.11.1 引言.11.2 选题意义.31.3 国内外研究现状及应用展望.31.4 本论文的结构.52. 数据采集系统的原理及应用.62.1 数据采集系统简介.62.1.1 数据采集技术概述.62.1.2 数据采集系统的组成.62.1.3 信号分析与处理.72.2 信号调理电路.82.2.1 信号调理电路概述及其设计原则.82.2.2 信号调理电路中的关键技术及其实现.92.3 ADC 及外围电路 .102.3.1 常用 ADC 的类型及其主要特征参数.102.3.2 常用 ADC 的应用实现.112.4 系统软件的功能及实现方法.122.5 基于单片机的智能车辆车载加速度采集系统设计.133. 采集系统的硬件电路设计.153.1 采集系统的 CPU 模块.153.2 采集系统的前向通道.173.2.1 加速度传感器 ADXL105 .173.2.2 信号调理电路(带宽设定和滤波).203.3 A/D 转换选择及与单片机的接口电路 .213.3.1 AD7705/06 的特点 .223.3.2 AD7705/06 的片内寄存器 .233.3.3 AD7705/06 的输入采样率 .233.3.4 单极性/双极性输入.243.3.5 AD7705/06 的接口时序 .243.3.6 AD7706 与单片机的接口电路 .253.4 串行通信接口(SCI)电路.263.4.1 普通串行口 RS-232 .263.4.2 USB 通用串行总线 .283.5 DC/DC 电源变换器 .304. 采集系统的软件设计与实现.334.1 单片机软件设计.334.1.1 主程序设计.334.1.2 中断服务程序设计.344.1.3 数据采集(A/D 转换)模块 .354.1.4 通信模块.365. 系统的软硬结合,虚拟仿真及系统抗干扰.395.1 系统软硬件结合仿真的方法.395.2 系统的抗干扰.396. 结束语.
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