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Unit 4 Language points do everything right on time help with a charity show before the big event take part in the activity make a lot of noise look at the right camera at the right time many other duties have no time to be nervous any more seemed businesses introduce job camera(s) event fan duty interesting easier yourselves excitedly organizers pleasant luckiest noisily earlier raise money for Project Green Hope have no free time feel very nervous in the beginning keep asking oneself have a lot of things to do because of the TV cameras feel very happy more events like this seem to happen so fastsuccess fans seems duty public organize generous introduce successful performing1.第5行exciting 的意思和用法 2.紧张的 3.由于 2种及用法 4.第6行would意思是 5.第7行的too可转化为 6.不得不做某事 7.在恰当的时间/ 在同一时间 8.第13行slowly, 的意思和用法 eg. luckily9.第15行The big day came quickly. came 同义词 10.Will it be a success? 意思 11.ask oneself 同意短语 12.大声说 13.seem 用法 14.结束 15.慷慨大方的 16.获得许多支持 17.邀请某人做某事 18. 参加 19.hope 用法 20. 发出许多噪音 21找出含有被动语态的句子 I am sorry that I did not write to you earlier because I have been very busy . I was helping with a charity show to raise money for Project Green Hope. A lot of work needed to be finished.I often help with housework. He always helps me with my homework.需要(被)做 sth.need to be done = sth. need doing doing 表主动,在此用主动表示被动 这车需要修理The car needs to be repaired. The car needs repairing. 我需要理发 My hair needs to be cut. My hair needs cutting. work on 从事,致力于 The writer is working on a new book. He is still working on the math problem. job 工作;任务 可数名词 It is ones job to do sth. 做某事是某人的任务 work 不可数名词 Being a host is really hard work. What he did was hard work. What hard work it is !努力工作 work hard I thought I would never be able to remember all the words. 能够 I hope more events like this will be organized to raise money for charity.
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