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沈阳理工大学学士学位论文I摘 要目前,社会经济的迅速发展和科学技术的全面进步,计算机事业的飞速发展,以计算机与通信技术为基础的信息系统正处于蓬勃发展的时期。随着经济文化水平的显著提高,人们对生活质量以及工作环境的要求也越来越高。信息作为现代社会中赖以生存的精神食粮,越来越受到重视,大量的信息不断涌现在社会的各个角落,无论是生活还是工作,信息作为一项重要的财富,使得有效的安全性成为一种必须。因此,由各种信息的安全问题也就顺理成章的提上了日程1。随着网络的飞速发展,信息安全逐渐成为一个潜在的巨大问题。信息安全性是一个涉及面很广泛的问题。伴随着各种信息被盗的问题,对安全性的需求也在急切的提高。数据包的监听与分析,可以为防火墙和杀毒软件提供网络信息的基本数据。作内容如下:设计并实现一个局域网监控系统,包括客户端和服务器端。能将进出指定系统的数据包进行截获与分析。关键词 局域网监控;数据包截获;数据包分析;数据库建立沈阳理工大学学士学位论文IIAbstractAs present,social economys rapidly expand and sciences and technologys comprehensive progress, the computer enterprises swift development, is being in the vigorous development take the computer and the communication as the foundation information system the time. Along with economic civilization level remarkable enhancement, the people are also getting higher and higher to the quality of life as well as working conditions request. Information as modern society in livelihood spiritual food, receives more and more takes seriously, the massive information emerge unceasingly in societys each corner, regardless of being the life or works, the information takes important wealth, enables the effective security to become one kind to. Therefore, also on logical raised program1. Along with the network swift development, the information security becomes a latent huge question gradually. The information security is an affected area very widespread question. Is following each kind of information the question which robs, to secure demand also in anxious enhancement. Data packets monitor and the analysis, may and kill the poisonous software for the firewall to provide the network information the master data.Make the content to be as follow:Designs and realizes a local area network supervisory system, including client side and server end. Can pass in and out designated systems data packet to carry on the interception and the analysis.Keywords : LAN Monitoring,Data packet intercepts,Data packet analyzes,Create database沈阳理工大学学士学位论文III目 录1 绪论.11.1 选题背景.11.2 研究的目的和意义.11.3 系统开发的目标.11.4 系统的开发方法.21.5 发展现状.22 关键技术.32.1 网络通信原理及协议.32.2 WINSOCK2 原始套接字技术.42.3 数据库技术.52.4 系统的运行环境.63 系统分析.73.1 可行性分析.73.2 系统操作流程图.73.3 需求分析.83.4 局域网监控系统 E-R 图.94 总体设计.104.1 总体功能图.104.2 系统流程图.115 详细设计.125.1 数据库的物理结构.125.2 系统界面设计.125.3 数据包截获的设计.135.4 数据分析功能设计.135.5 主机查询功能设计.146 编码与实现.
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