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常规大作文模板总结常规大作文模板总结 1. 积极赞同型积极赞同型 In recent years, with the development of science and technology in our society, 主题 has becoming more and more popular and it was heatedly discussed among common people. Some people hold the positive view to this problem, while others take an opposite side(, and firmly believing that it will harmful to our society). As far as I am concerned, this kind of situation will benefit us a lot in our society. There can be no doubt that the reason why 主题 can be most clearly seen in the following aspects. To begin with, 理由. In addition, 理由. Last but not least, 理由. Based on what has been discussed above, we can easily draw the conclusion that topic of 主题 is positive and helpful to our society absolutely. 近年来,随着我们社会科学技术的发展, 主题主题 的话题已经变得越来越受欢迎,普通老 百姓也讨论得越来越激烈。有的人对这个问题持肯定态度,然而另外一部分人持反对意见,他 们认为这种情况有害于社会。我个人认为这种情况对社会是有益的。 毫无疑问, 主题主题 的原因将在以下几个方面清晰地体现出来。首先,理由理由。其次,理由理由 。最后一点但是很重要的是 理由理由。 综上所述,我们很容易得出结论就是 主题主题 肯定对我们社会有益。 实战演练:1.“黄金周”是好还是不好? 2.大学扩招 3.“出国热” 4.手机 短信(09 年元月 MBA)5. 贫困学子是否应该受到捐助(07 年 10 月 MBA) 2. 消极否定型消极否定型 In recent years, with the development of science and technology in our society, the topic of 主 题 has becoming more and more serious and it was heatedly discussed among common people. Some people hold the positive view to this problem, while others take an opposite side, and firmly believing that it will harmful to our society. As far as I am concerned, this kind of situation will harmful to our society. A number of factors can account for 主题 . First of all 理由. Then, 理由 2. Finally, 理由 3. Based on what has been discussed above, I can easily draw the conclusion that topic of_主题 _is negative and harmful to our society. To solve the problem is not easy at all, but is worth trying. For one thing,we should educate people to be fully aware of the real situation about 主题. For another, related and effective measures should be taken by our government to prevent the tendency. 近年来,随着我们社会科学技术的发展,主题主题 的话题已经变得越来越受严重,普通老百 姓也讨论得越来越激烈。有的人对这个问题持肯定态度,然而另外一部分人持反对意见,他们 认为这种情况有害于社会。我个人认为这种情况对社会是有害的。 主题主题 归因于以下几个方面。首先,理由理由。其次,理由理由。最后理由理由。 综上所述,我们很容易得出结论就是 主题主题 对我们社会有害。解决这些问题并不容易, 但值得我们去尝试。一方面,我们应该教育人们充分认识到主题的真实情况。另一方面,政府 应该采取相关的有效措施以防止这种趋势的蔓延。 实战演练: 1.环境污染 (09年10月MBA) A Threat (Threats) to Endangered Animals 2. 私家车增长 3. 中立现象型中立现象型 In recent years, with the development of science and technology in our society, the topic of 主 题 has becoming more and more popular and it was heatedly discussed among common people. Some people hold the positive view to this problem, while others take an opposite side, and firmly believing that it will harmful to our society. This phenomenon is based on the realities of society. To begin with, it was due to the development of economic globalization and improvement of living standard. In addition, the climate has swept the whole society and exerted a great influence on us. To sum up, 主题 has both advantages and disadvantages. Whatever effect it has, we may safely draw the conclusion that 主题 itself is neither negative nor positive. What we should do is to absorb the good points and resist the negative part of it. 近年来,随着我们社会科学技术的发展, 主题主题 的话题已经变得越来越受欢迎,普通老 百姓也讨论得越来越激烈。有的人对这个问题持肯定态度,然而另外一部分人持反对意见,他 们认为这种情况有害于社会。 这种现象基于社会现实。首先是因为我们经济全球化的发展和人们生活水平的提高。 其次, 这种社会风气已席卷了整个社会并对我们产生了巨大影响。 总之,主题主题 有利有弊。不管它会产生什么影响,但是我们可以肯定地作出结论,那就是 主题主题 本身没有积极消极可言。我们要做的就是吸取其精华,去其糟粕。 实战演练:1.崇拜偶像 2.养宠物 4. AB 选择型选择型 Nowadays, along with the great economic development in our society, the topic of 和主题 has becoming more and more popular and it was heatedly discussed among common people. Some people hold that A主题 is more important than B主题 , while there are always other people who argue that B 主题 should be the number one in ones life. As far as I am concerned, both of A 主题 and B 主题 play a key role in our life. For one thing, both of them can make our life easy if we hold a right attitude and make a good use of them. For another, only if we lay much value on A 主题 and B 主题 can we build a harmonious society effectively. Considering what is discussed above, we can easily find out A 主题 and B 主题 are not in opposition to each other. Rather, they can enhance each other so that our life can benefit a lot from them. 现在,随着我们社会经济的高速发展,和主题和主题 的话题已经变得越来越受欢迎,普通老 百姓也讨论得越来越激烈。有的人认为 A 主题主题 比主题主题 重要,但是往往有另外一部分人认 为主题主题 应该在生活中占第一位。 在我看来,A 主题主题 和主题主题 在我们生活中都有着举足轻重的作用。首先,如果我们以正确的态度面对并且充分利用两者,我们的生活会变得更加舒适。其次,我们只有充分重视 A 主题主题 和主题主题 的价值,才能有效地创造一个和谐社会。 综上所述,我们很容易发现两者并不矛盾。相反,他们是可以互助互利的,我们的生活也 可以从中受益许多。 实战演练:1.财富与健康 2.家庭和职业 3.网络能否代替书刊报纸?(2008 年 10 月 MBA) 附:(以下原因、影响、措施同学们可以选其中 23 点自行搭配) 原因:原因: 积极 1. peoples quality and living standard in our society have been gradually improved at present. 当今社会,公民的素质和生活水平逐渐提高了。 2. the rapid development of Chinese economy and society promote the tendency of 主题. 中国和我们社会的经济飞速发展推动了主题发展的趋势。 3. 主题 are closely related to our mission- - - create a harmonious society effectively
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