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Unit 8Ill help clean up the city parks.ReadingHow do you connect with your friends, have a call, write a letter or send an e-mail?have a callwrite a letterQQMicro MessageNew Wordsdisabled adj.organization n.fill v.pleasure n.blind adj.deaf adj.unable adj.imagine v.肢体有残疾的组织;机构;系统装满;填满愉快;快乐;高兴盲的聋的不能的,不会的想象shut v.carry v.help (sb.) outspecially adv.fetch v.at once support v.appreciate v.donation n.关上(门,盖,窗户等)搬运;携带帮助(某人)解决困难特意地;专门地(去)拿来;请来立即;马上支持;帮助感激捐赠物,捐款Section 1 Before You Read1a How many different kinds of letters can you think of? Discuss this with a partner.How is a letter different from an article? List three differences.1. A letter needs an address.2. A letter needs greetings at the beginning and end.3. A letter usually uses informal language.Section 2 While You ReadRead and answer.What did Liz write this letter for?Liz wrote this letter to thank Miss Li for sending money to “Animal Helpers”.根据课文内容,完成任务。A. 根据文章内容补全句子。1. “Animal Helpers” is _ that helps disabled people.2. Liz Smith cant use _ well.3. Lucky is very clever and understands many _. an organization arms or legsEnglish wordsB. 根据文章内容回答下列问题。4. What did Miss Li donate to “Animal Helpers“?_5. How long was Lucky trained at “Animal Helpers“?_6. What can Lucky do for Liz Smith? _She donated money to “Animal Helpers“.Lucky was trained six months at “Animal Helpers“.Lucky can help Liz Smith do something.Read and fill in the blanks.CharacterInformationMiss LiShe is a kind woman who (1) _ to “Animal Helpers”.donated / gave / sent moneyLuckyHe is a helpful (2)_ and he helps Liz Smith with her daily life. Lucky had been trained for (3)_ before he went to Liz Smiths house.Liz SmithLiz Smith is a (4)_ person and its difficult for her to do normal things. She feels Lucky is a great (5)_ to her.dogsix monthsdisabledhelp fill v. 装满,填满 常与介词with连用,构成fill . with .结构, 意为“用装满”。Laughter filled the room.房间里充满了笑声。Please fill the cup with water.请把这个杯子装满水。 Language pointsfill in 填充, 填写 If you want to join the club, please fill in the form first.如果你想参加这个俱乐部, 请先填写这个表格。拓展:be filled with . 被装满/填满(强调动作)be full of . 装满了的(强调状态)有时二者可以互换。I was filled with fear at that time.当时我的内心充满了恐惧。The box is full of books.箱子里装满了书。如果你对这个俱乐部感兴趣,请填写 这张申请表。 If you are interested in this club, please _ _ this application form.My box is _ clothes.A. full of B. fill with C. filled of D. full withfill in A pleasure n. 1) 不可数名词, 意为“愉快,快乐”。I often read books for pleasure.我经常读书以自娱。 with pleasure意为“愉快地,高兴地,十分愿意”He listened with pleasure to the beautiful music.他陶醉在美妙的音乐中。I will remember this meeting with pleasure.我会愉快地记着这次的会晤。2) pleasure还可以用作可数名词, 意为“快乐 的事”。Its a pleasure to work with you.和你工作是一件快乐的事。Its a / my pleasure意为“不客气,乐意效劳”, 是对别人感谢的礼貌回复。Thank you for doing that.感谢你那么做。Its a / my pleasure.不客气。 imagine v. 想像, 预料,设想后面可以接名词作宾语。I cant imagine life without friendship now.我现在无法想像没有友谊的生活。imagination n. 想象力; 想像拓展: imagine还可以用于以下结构中:imagine (sb.) doing sth.意为“想像(某人) 做某事”。I cant imagine (myself) dancing in front of so many people.我无法想像(自己)在那么多人面前跳舞。imagine sb. / sth. (+ to be) + 形容词、名词或 介词短语等,意为“想像某人/ 某物”。That boy always imagines himself (to be) a pilot. 那个男孩总是想像自己是一名飞行员。imagine + 从句,意为“想像/猜测/料想”。I imagine (that) you are very tired.我猜想你很累了。 Look ! Shes skiing so fast! Hard to _ her legs were once broken. (2008年江苏苏州中考)A. know B. realize C. imagine D. findC 根据句意, 从方框中选择适当的单词并用其正 确形式填空。1. He came here _ to say sorry to her.2. I am _ to cycle to school because my bicycle is broken.3. After the accident, they got _ from many people.4. We should help people who are _. able, donate, special, appreciate, pleasure, disable, support, imaginespecially unable donationsdisabled 5. You should tell as many facts as possible _ your ideas. 6. I will _ it very much if you can help me with it. 7. Its hard to _ that a girl with only one arm can play so well. 8. Excuse me, could you help me carry the heavy box?With _.to support appreciate imagine pleasure 用bring, take, fetch 或carry的适当形式填空。 1. You cant _ the book out of the library. 2. He _ the bag on his shoulder and went home. 3. _ your paper here next time. 4. Please wait a minute. Hes just gone out to _ some water. take carriedBring fetch用fill, fill . with 或full 的适当形式填空。1. The heavy smoke _ the room just now.2. _ in your name and address here.3. Look out! The cup is _ of hot water.4. The doctor often _ the bottle _ medicine. filled Fill full fills with Section 3 After You Readnoun 名词pronoun 代词verb 动词adjecti
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