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智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料雅思口语Part 3十个最难话题-智课教育出国考试雅思口语Part3的难度本身就是三个部分中最难的一个,考官一般 会就考生第二部分的回答进行深入提问。所以更增加了雅思口语考试的 难度,本文为大家介绍雅思口语Part 3十个最难话题,供大家参考! 既然叫深入提问,那当然就会是一些相对而言比较深奥的考题。这 些考题对于考生的知识面和思维能力都有一定的要求,更为让考生头痛 的是,本来用中文来进行深入的探讨以属不易,更何况还要用英文来表 述这些有深度的思想!所以考生通常谈第三部分而色变,有人甚至对第 三部分都不去做任何的复习,只一味听天由命。但是第三部分的考题是 一个考生真正能够拿高分的关键,对于那些要分较高,希望能够进入一 些排名较好的大学的考生而言,第三部分的考题才是让自己脱颖而出的 关键。 雅思第三部分的考题,从出题类型上来看有十个类型:原因论述、 情况对比、时间对比、事物利弊、预测未来、场景演练、解决问题、影 响效果、方式方法、观点询问。这十类考题的难度都不可小觑,每一个 类型都代表着一种回答思路,也对应着一些相应的句型。所以,在这里 ,我们将和大家一起来探讨一下雅思第三部分的考题,并以十道最难考 题为例,来给大家做一下分析。 1. 原因论述类考题:在回答这种类型的考题时,我们要首先搞清问题的重点,且一定要 紧扣此重点,不能游离出去。而且我们可以将考题的中心名词进行分类 ,从细分出的小类别出发去探寻原因,这样,思路就能更加开阔,更能 做到有话可说。比如下面这道题: What is the reason why family members do not eat together anymore? 在这一题中,中心考点名词是family members,那么我们就可以 对其做一个breakdown,家庭成员分孩子,成年人和老人,他们都会有 自己身不由己,无法和家人共同进餐的不同原因,至此,考题就可从不 同层次得到解答。那么在论述的过程中就一定会非常高频的出现一些因 果的表达法,如because, due to, owing to, the reason whyis that, contribute to, lead to, give rise to, be attributed to, resultfrom等。 原创范例 One primary reason why families do not eat together anymore is that their work schedules are different from each other. Young people would prefer to spend more time with their friends so they come home very late at night. This is because when they were small, their parents spent most of their time working that they have no time to be with their kids to guide them. Differences in opinions and characters plus financial difficulties often are the causes of fights among husbands and wives. 2. 情况对比类考题: 应对这种考题,建议考生首先要找出所对比的两者是什么,随即对 两者的劣势和优势进行讨论,这类题目说穿了就是对于正反两面的讨论 。因此,经常用到的词就有advantages, benefits, merits, upsides, plus points, disadvantages, drawbacks, downsides, minus points等。下面这道考题就是一个很好的例子。 Should women stay at home or go out to look for jobs?原创范例 Women deserve as much rights to work as men. Given growing financial burden on an ordinary family and tough competition among job seekers, an extra source of income in the family would definitely mean a lot. However, contrary to what we may expect, many women now are actually pursuing the kind of life as a full-time housewife which only has been re-interpreted by modern women to mean relaxing, hassle-free and enjoyable life without lots of work in hand. 3. 时间对比 有些考题要求考生就一个问题的过去和现在分别进行论述并进行比 较,这类题目就是时间对比类考题。对于这类考题,考生首先要注意在 谈论过去的状况时要使用一般过去时,千万不能出现时态使用混乱的状 况。此外,考生还需要将重点放在变化上。且通常过去和现在的状况反 差较为强烈,所以需要使用转折连接词,如however, nevertheless, while, whereas等。比如下面这道考题曾经就难倒过一大批的考生:Explain different attitudes towards marriage between people in the past and now. 原创范例 Well, this is also the kind of problem I am going to deal with probably for a couple of years to come. In the past, people, women in particular, generally revolved their life around giving birth and raising children. However people now are no longer seeing marriage and family as their only thing in life. With the availability of a wide range of entertainment parlors, young people prefer to enjoy their carefree life as a single person before they have to take a lot of responsibilities as a married one. 4. 事物利弊事物的利弊是在这一章里面所分析的所有可能在雅思口语第三部分 所出现的题目类型里面可以说是考察最为频繁的一种题目。它的答题思 路和写作Task 2的考题非常的相似,但是我们对于这种题目的熟悉程度 较高并不意味着这些考题对我们来说就是很容易给出出色解答的。因为 口语考题的思考时间较短,我们必须要在很短的时间内搜索出足够量的i deas才可以过关,而我们通常可以从社会、经济、文化、环境、教育、 政治、心理、健康等方面去搜寻ideas,这种搜寻方法而是要在平时多 加练习的。比如下面这道考题就分别从健康和经济方面的好处进行了探 讨。 What are the advantages of people living in tourist attractions? 原创范例 Well, the advantages for people who live in tourist attractions are pretty evident. For a starter, compared with cities where the pollution is getting unstoppably worse, life at tourist attractions is definitely good for health. Besides, the people there can make loads of money on tourism industry and a number of related industries like serving food in restaurants, selling souvenirs to tourists, among many others. 5. 预测未来对于这类问题,建议考生首先应当注意时态的问题,一般会以将来 时或虚拟语态为主。而且考试不能天马行空般的堆砌内容,而是要有事 实依据的进行预测。虽然题目是要求考生展开对未来的展望,但是考生 们应该根据现实的情况进行引申,对未来的预测的内容进行足够的原因 的阐述。比如下面这道考题就是一个很好的例子。 What should the government do to curb global warming? 原创范例 Our planet is plagued with tons of environmental problems. Among them, global warming proves to be the most pressing environmental issue and frankly speaking, is, as we all can see, threatening every bit of our life. Hence, in my personal opinion, the government should assume primary responsibility to curb global warming and the most viable measure would be to cut it off at the source, which means the government has to come up with ways to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide discharged into the atmosphere. For instance, exhaust gas emitted is held largely accountable for the acceleration of global warming. 6. 场景演练场景演练这类题目在雅思口语考试第三部分中考察的频率相对较低 ,但此类题目所带来的变化会非常的多。所谓场景演练就是考官现场给 学生设置一个虚拟的场景,然后要求考生将自己置身其中来处理一些问 题。这类考题出题相当灵活,因此提前做好准备的难度较高,需要依靠 临场发挥。那么,考生就需要能够灵活的利用各种各样的答题技巧从而 应对此类的题目,其中ideas的搜寻仍然是最为重要的一个技巧,这个 我们在第四点中已有论述。而下面这道题的答题就是从文化和健康方面 进行作答的。 Lets say you are in charge of selection process of the volunteers for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, what are you really looking in all the candid
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