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华中师范大学本科毕业论文(设计)摘要摘要作为一种新兴的信息技术,互联网正以前所未有的冲击力影响着人类的生活,它的出现和发展,正慢慢地改变着人们的生活方式,互联网也因此成为目前比较热门的一个话题,它具有强大的影响力。国际上网站的发展十分迅速,网站已成为人们获取信息的一种重要方式。越来越多的人都希望有自己的个人主页,以充分展示自我;越来越多的公司都希望让自己的网站更具吸引力,以宣传公司,提高知名度。学校网站是实现教育资源分配的桥梁。网络上有巨大的教育资源库,它集全社会的力量,使教育资源无限增长。学校网站是最佳的教学研究室,学校网站与教育类专门网站的有效链接,给学校教学研究带来了一片新天地,各种优秀文章、各科素材、优秀软件下载等内容为学生提供了极佳的平台。有效地降低教研成本、提高效率。本文将首先从结构上对网站的设计有一个总体上的构想,包括网站的前端的用户管理模块和后端的数据维护模块,这是任何一个网站所必备。 本文讲述了利用 DREAMWEAVER CS5.5 和 ASP 进行网站设计的开发过程,对网站的设计及网站的实现进行了详细的说明。本文的主要内容主要是利用 ASP 和DREAMWEAVER CS5.5 的开发环境的架设开始,一步步实现校园网站各个功能模块。关键词:关键词:校园网站;网站设计;DREAMWEAER CS 5.5 ;ASP;数据库华中师范大学本科毕业论文(设计)AbstractAs a new information technology, the Internet has an unprecedented impact on humans life, its emergence and development is changing the way of peoples life, the Internet has been a popular topic and it has a strong influence.The international Web site developed very rapidly; the website has become an important way for people to access information. More and more people want to have their own personal home page in order to display themselves; more and more companies also want to make their sites more attractive to promote the company and improve their visibility. The school website is a bridge of network to distribute the educational resources. There is a great educational resource library which combines the strength of the whole society, and education resources to grow indefinitely.The school site is the best teaching Research Center, and has brought a new world to us, such as a variety of good articles on subjects material, excellent softwaredownloads and other content to provide students with a very effective specialized site of the school sites and educational links, school teaching and research excellent platform. It may reduce the teaching and research costs effectively and improves efficiency. At first, this paper will have an overall idea from the structural design of the site, including user management module of the website front end and back-end data maintenance module, which is essential to any one site. This article describes the development process, useing the DREAMWEAVER CS5, and ASP to design the website. The main content of this article is the use of the ASPand DREAMWEAVER CS5.5 and the erection of the development environment began, step by step to achieve the various functional blocks ofthe campus Web site. KeyWord: school websites; website design; DREAMWEAER CS5; ASP; database华中师范大学本科毕业论文(设计)目录目录第第 1 章章 绪论绪论.11.1 国内外校园网站发展现状及趋势.11.2 校园网站建设的必要性.21.3 校园网站设计思想.31.4 开发工具的选用及介绍- 3第第 2 章章 网站总体的分析与设计网站总体的分析与设计.52.1 相关术语及解释.52.2 当前校园网站需要解决的问题.72.3 主页设计.82.4 功能设计.8第第 3 章章 详细设计详细设计.93.1 数据库设计.93.1.1 用户注册表.93.1.2 论坛基本信息表.103.1.3 资源信息表.103.1.4 新闻表.103.1.3 留言表. 113.1.3 论坛用户信息表.113.2 页面设计.133.2.1 主页设计-133.2.2 后台登陆-133.2.3 前台登陆-143.2.4 资源下载页面-153.2.5 论坛页面设计-163.2.6 留言板设计-17华中师范大
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