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辽宁科技大学毕业设计(论文) 第 I 页体验营销及其策略研究摘要摘要随着网络技术不断的发展与完善,人们生活水平和生活质量的日益提高,网络体验消费已是当今社会经济发展的必然产物之一。体验消费是随着经济的快速发展而出现的一种新兴的消费方式,是一种全新的营销理念和营销模式,它应运而生使企业的营销方式面临巨大的挑战的同时也提供了机会。根本上说体验营销只是消费者在消费过程中的一种感性化倾向,当今社会的消费者的需求观念不再是对物质产品以及产品本身的满足,更多是对商品的意义和象征的个性需求,这种拉近消费者与电子商务网站间的距离为体验营销的运营和实现奠定了很好的基础。本文以体验营销的内涵及意义入手,分析了体验营销与传统营销的区别。通过对体验消费模式的分析,提出了体验营销策略及其实施方案。关键词 体验营销;体验消费;营销策略辽宁科技大学毕业设计(论文) 第 II 页AbstractAs network technology continues to develop and improve peoples living standards and increasing the quality of life, the network experience of todays consumer is a product of socio-economic development of one of the inevitable. Consumer experience with rapid economic development and the emergence of a new consumption patterns, is a new marketing concept and marketing models, which came into being so that the marketing companies are facing enormous challenges as well as provided an opportunity . Fundamentally speaking, the consumer experience in consumer marketing is in the process of a sentimental tendency, in todays society is no longer the concept of consumer demand for products and material products to meet their own, more for goods and symbolic significance of the personality needs, this closer to the consumer and the e-commerce site for the experience of the distance between the operator and realization of marketing lay a good foundation. In this paper, the connotation of experience and significance of marketing approach, an analysis of marketing and traditional marketing experience the difference. Consumption patterns through the analysis of experience, marketing experience to the program and its implementation.Key words Experiential Marketing; Experiential consumption; Marketing Strategy辽宁科技大学毕业设计(论文) 第 III 页目录目录摘要 .IAbstract.II目录.III第 1 章 绪论.11.1 选题背景及目的.11.2 国内外研究现况.11.2.1 国外网站体验营销研究发展情况.11.2.2 国内网站体验营销研究发展情况.21.3 研究内容.3第 2 章 关于体验营销.42.1 体验营销的涵义.42.2 体验营销的特征.52.3 体验营销与传统营销的区别.62.4 体验营销的现状.7第 3 章 体验消费模式分析.83.1 心理行为分析.83.2 消费行为分析.93.3 网络体验消费类型划分及其特征研究.10第 4 章 体验消费的营销策略及实施.124.1 体验营销策略组合研究.124.1.1 产品体验策略.124.1.2 沟通策略.124.1.3 价格策略.124.1.4 氛围策略.124.1.5 体验促销策略.134.2 体验消费的营销策略的实施.13结论.15致谢.
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