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年产 150 万吨管坯的电炉炼钢分厂工艺设计摘 要本设计主要是为了阐述当今电弧炉的发展概况以及电弧炉未来发展前景, 结合本专业所学的理论知识,设计年产 150 万吨管坯的电弧炉炼钢车间,根据 国内外炼钢技术的发展趋势、钢铁产品的发展方向,选择了先进且有较大发展 余地的短流程工艺:原料、废钢超高功率电弧炉LF 炉精炼VOD 炉精炼 连铸。通过产品大纲的确定、电弧炉炼钢的物料平衡与热平衡计算、电弧炉 的炉型设计、连铸设备选择、车间工艺设计及车间总体布置,确定了以一座 180 吨超高功率电弧炉、一台 LF 精炼炉及一台连铸机为主要生产设备。设计 方案以技术新、效益高为原则,充分体现了先进、灵活、多功能的特点,具备 可持续发展性。提交的内容包括设计说明书一份(含专题和冶金专业相关外文 文献译文各一篇) ,电弧炉炉型图、车间平面布置图和剖面图各一张。关键词: 电弧炉发展,超高功率电弧炉(UHP),EBT,LF 精炼炉,V0D 精炼炉, 工艺设计A Design on Electronic Arc Furnace Steel Plant With An Annual Productivity of 0.9mt Tons SlabSpeciality:Iron Steel Metallurgy Name:Yu Weili Instructor:Dong Jie Abstract This is designed to this development survey of current electric arc furnace (eaf future development prospects and combined with the professional theories knowledge, Electric arc furnace steelmaking workshop designed annual output of 1.8 million tons of billets.according to the domestic and foreign steelmaking technology development trend, steel products, chose the development direction of advanced and have larger development room of short flow process: raw materials, scrap and high power electric arc furnace and furnace refining - VOD furnace LF casting and refining. Through products outline ascertained, eaf material balance and the thermal equilibrium calculation, eaf furnace type design, equipment selection, workshop casting process design and workshop layout, identified with a 200 tons of high power electric arc furnace, a LF finer and a caster main production equipment. For Design schemes to technology and new and high efficiency for the principle, fully embodies the advanced, flexible, multi-function characteristics, with sustainable development. The content includes the design specifications submitted a (including project and metallurgy professional translation related foreign documents each an article), eaf furnace type figure, workshop layout and section each one. Key words: development,UHP-EAF,Steelmaking,LF,VOD,process desig目 录1 综 述.11.1 电弧炉简介.1 1.1.1 电弧炉炼钢发展概况 .1 1.1.2 电弧炉分类 .1 1.1.3 电炉炼钢的发展 .2 1.2 电弧炉炼钢的新技术.3 1.2.1 超高功率电弧炉技术 .3 1.2.2 强化供氧技术 .3 1.2.3 电弧炉智能控制技术(专家系统) .3 1.2.4 直流电弧炉技术 .3 1.2.5 热装铁水技术 .4 1.2.6 电弧炉偏心炉底出钢技术 .4 1.3 电弧炉发展现状.4 1.4 我国电弧炉发展方向及预测.6 1.4.1 我国电弧炉炼钢的发展重点 .6 1.4.2 我国电弧炉炼钢的发展展望 .6 1.4.3 电炉钢产量 .6 1.4.4 废钢替代品 .7 1.4.5 装备水平和工艺特点 .7 1.4.6 节能减排技术 .7 1.5 世界电弧炉发展方向及预测.7 1.5.1 国内外电炉炼钢技术发展趋势 .7 1.5.2 欧洲的电弧炉发展计划 .82 电弧炉炼钢车间的设计方案.92.1 电炉车间生产能力计算 .9 2.1.1 电炉容量和台数的确定 .9 2.1.2 电炉车间生产技术指标 .9 2.2 电炉车间设计方案 .10 2.2.1 电炉炼钢车间设计与建设的基础材料 .10 2.2.2 电炉炼钢车间的组成 .11 2.2.3 电炉各车间的布置情况 .113 电弧炉炉型设计.123.1 电弧炉炉型设计.12 3.1.1 电弧炉炉型 .123.1.2 熔池的形状和尺寸 .12 3.1.3 熔化室的尺寸 .13 3.1.4 炉衬厚度 .14 3.1.5 工作门和出钢口 .14 3.2 偏心底出钢箱的设计 .14 3.2.1 出钢箱切角 .14 3.2.2 出钢箱高度 .14 3.2.3 机械装置 .15 3.2.4 出钢口直径的确定 .15 3.3 电弧炉变压器容量和参数的确定 .15 3.3.1 确定变压器的容量 .15 3.3.2 电压级数 .16 3.3.3 电极直径的确定 .16 3.3.4 电极心圆的尺寸 .
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