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智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料雅思口语part1话题之运动-智课教育出国考试雅思口语part1话题之运动是本文小编想要和大家分享的主要内容 ,下面是根据此话题及雅思口语part1的问题特点进行的答题素材汇总 ,供大家参考。 1.Whats your favourite sport? Im not much of a sporty person but I do love table tennis. Its the only sport Im good at and Ive been playing since I was a child. 虽然我并不擅长运动但是我很喜欢打乒乓球。这是我唯一在行的运 动,我从小就一直打乒乓球。 2.What sports do Chinese people like? It depends. Peoples interests are varied. But I think table tennis is quite well-liked among people in my country. It is so popular that it earned itself a nickname “the national ball”. 这要看情况。人们的兴趣爱好是不一样的。但是我认为我们国家的 人都很喜欢打乒乓球。乓乓球真的很受欢迎,它还有一个别称,叫“国 球”。 3.What game did you watch last time?The last game I watched was a football match. It was years ago, I had to stay up late to watch the Premiere League because of the time difference. But it was worth the wait. 我上一次看的球赛是一场足球赛。那是几年前的事了,因为时差的 原因,虽然我不得不熬夜才能看到英超足球联赛,但是那还是很值得的 。 4.Do you prefer to watch sport on TV or live? Id love to watch live matches but I dont think I can afford the priced tickets. Besides, the cheering audience can be too loud for me. So Ill enjoy the comfort of sitting in my couch for now. 虽然我喜欢看现场的球赛,但是我买不起这么贵的门票。此外,那 些兴奋的球迷的尖叫声太吵了。所以我还是选择舒舒服服地躺在沙发上看电视里的比赛。 5.Do you think its important for children to play sports? Of course. I think sports can not only help children to keep fit but also bring them a lot of fun. You know these days in China childrens study stress is terribly heavy so they are badly in need of activities for them to relax for a while. 当然。我认为运动不仅能让小孩们保持健康,还能给他们带来很多 欢乐。要知道现在中国的小孩的学习压力太大了,所以他们急需能让他 们放松放松的活动。 以上即是雅思口语part1话题之运动的相关内容介绍,希望对大家 的备考有所帮助,考生们多积累一些答题素材也是很有必要的。祝愿广 大考生能够取得满意的雅思成绩! 更多内容请持续关注智课教育雅思频道。
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