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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料托福口语模版之旅行中的习惯托福口语的第一题和第二题都要求考生就某一个话题来阐述自己的 观点,这类话题有一定的规律性,大家可以通过背诵和借鉴托福口语范 文来提高自己的答案质量。新托福口语满分范文分享之旅行中喜欢看风 景还是拍照,希望能帮助大家整理一些自己的新托福口语模板,提供一 些借鉴。 托福口语题目:When you take a trip, do you prefer to just look around, or do you prefer to take pictures and keep a journal on the trip. 托福口语范文:Sample I like taking lots of picture on my trips. First, I enjoy taking photos. Its even more fun taking photos at a place that Im new to. When Im visiting a new city, I get to see colors, shapes and lines that are so different than what Im familiar to, they inspire me to take better pictures. Second, our memory is very limited and unreliable. We will forget about the things we do and thepeople we meet in a week or so if we dont have some kind of record. And these record can be shared with our friends and families too, its better to show them the highlights of our trip rather than just speak about them in words. 上述就是关于旅行中的习惯的托福口语模板,建议大家可以 参考一下托福口语范文思路和展开方式,不要照搬照抄,总结自己的模 板才是托福口语高分王道。智课小编祝大家学习愉快!
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