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英语教师在教学中研究与 学生在研究中学习英语浙江师范大学外国语学院 吴本虎 wbh511163.comCollege of Foreign Languages, ZJNU September 25, 2006 English Teachers Inquiry in Teaching for Students to Learn English in Inquiry1Some questions for our consideration:What is research? What is the difference between teachers research and students research? What is the relationship between teachers research and students research? How can teachers research promote students research? How can teachers research broaden students research?() 21. What is research? 1) research is what we do when we have a question or a problem we want to resolve. 2) Research is a step-by-step process that involves collecting and examining information. 3) Research is about asking questions, exploring issues and reflecting on findings. 4) Research is a formal way of going about asking questions. 5) Research means the discovery of new knowledge. 6) Research can be broadly defined as: “a form of systematic enquiry that contributes to knowledge.” (Google: What is research?) 31a. What is research?() Some important characteristics of research: 1) Research involves asking questions. 2) It involves collecting information. 3) It involves examining information. 4) It involves reflecting on findings. 5) It involves solving problems. 6) It involves discovering new knowledge. 7) It is a step-by-step, systematic and formal process. QuestionInformationFindingsNew knowledge42. What is the difference between teachers research and students research?In Western countries, students research is often organized as a school project. How is research different from a school project? A school project typically researches a topic area by finding out information. The finding out part of this is an important learning experience but does not usually include: 1) the depth of analysis that is required by empirical research; 2) the generation of new knowledge; 3) a design element; 4) a scrutiny of validity; 5) the collecting and processing of raw data. (Google: School Project ) 52a. What is the difference between teachers research and students research?() Comparing teachers research and students research Teachers ResearchStudents Research Design the project Collect raw data Analyze the data Discover new knowledge Examine the validityAct on the project Collect existing information Select the data Use the data in their work62b. What is the difference between teachers research and students research?(School Project English: Find Partners; Climate Change; Links to Schools) A sample school project: School Project EnglishThis project is a CLIL project connected to I.C.T. - information and communication technologies - because the students will practise collaborative working using specialized software. (CLIL = Content and Language Integrated Learning.)We are going to teach our students a new way in collaborative work. It will enable students from different countries to become aware of the benefit of practising and using the English language. They will discover different cultures and develop their communicative skills by using the Internet and by commenting on photographs.72c. What is the difference between teachers research and students research? The assignment will follow 11 steps: 1)Students training. 2)Students Introduction. 3)Observe the reference climate change situations. 4)Working together by conducting a small survey: translate the questionnaire from English to your own language. 5)Working together by conducting a small survey: question people. 6)Working together by conducting a small survey: result of the survey. 7)Working together: ask one question. 8)Working together: the international report. 9)Pupils write the report in their native language. 10) Presenting the collaborative report. 11) Saying good bye.(School Project English: Find Partners; Climate Change; Links to Schools) 83. What is the relationship between teachers research and students research?() The role of teachers research in students research: 1) Teachers research precedes students research. 2) Teachers research promotes students research. 3) Teachers research facilitates students research. 4) Teachers research broadens students research. 5) Teachers research optimizes students research.94. How can teachers research promote students research?() Teachers research can promote students research 1) by relating teaching to learning, 2) by bringing questions to students, 3) by guiding students to collect information, 4) by organizing students to use and exchange information.105. How can we relate teaching to learning?() We can relate teaching to learning by considering or investigating how students are learning. The reason is as follows:In order to relate teaching to learning, you need to know how a students knowledge or skills have changed and what specifically caused that change to occur. Being busy is not a cause of learning u
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