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智 课 网 G R E 备 考 资 料新gre填空练习9:单选题型由于ets对gre的改革,而新gre考试又之进行了一场,相对于新gre 填空题的复习资料也较少,小编搜集整理了有关新gre填空单选复习资 料,接下来几天小编将搜集来的有关新gre填空单选题型部分的资料分 享给大家。 1. The form and physiology of leaves vary according to the _ in which they develop: for example, leaves display a wide range of adaptations to different degrees of light and moisture. (A) relationship (B) species (C) sequence (D) patterns (E) environment 2. Although Ms. Brown found some of her duties to be _, her supervision of forty workers was a considerable responsibility. (A) ambiguous (B) provisional (C) menial(D) humble (E) unique 3. One virus strain that may help gene therapists cure genetic brain diseases can enter the peripheral nervous system and travel to the brain, _ the need to inject the therapeutic virus directly into the brain. (A) suggesting (B) intensifying (C) elucidating (D) satisfying (E) obviating4. The fortresslike faade of the Museum of Cartoon Art seems calculated to remind visitors that the comic strip is an art form that has often been _ by critics. (A) charmed (B) assailed (C) unnoticed (D) railed (E) exhilarated 5. Although some consider forcefulness and _ to be two traits desirable to the same degree, I think that making a violent effort is much less useful than maintaining a steady one. (A) persistence (B) perseverance (C) promptness (D) aggression (E) skillfulness 6. The legislators of 1563 realized the _ of trying to regulate the flow of labor without securing its reasonable remuneration, and so the second part of the statute dealt with establishing wages.(A) futility (B) bootlessness (C) intricacy (D) anxiety (E) necessity 7. The childrens _ natures were in sharp contrast to the even-tempered dispositions of their parents. (A) blithe (B) mercurial (C) phlegmatic (D) introverted (E) artless8. Because early United States writers thought that the mark of great literature was grandiosity and elegance not to be found in common speech, they _ the vernacular. (A) dissected (B) misunderstood (C) avoided (D) investigated (E) shunned 以上就是小编给大家分享的有关新gre填空单选部分的题目,希望 考生们在做这些新gre填空题的过程中,尽快适应新gre考试的变化,增 强自己的逻辑思维推断能力。
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