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1 电子商务综述(Introduction to E-commerce) 引例(Case) :Amazon.com Amazon.com 1994 年,一个名叫杰夫贝索斯的年轻人迷上了迅速发展的互联网,当时他还 只是个财务分析师兼基金管理员。他列出了 20 种可能在互联网上畅销的产品。通过 认真的分析,他选择了图书,并为他的网上书店起名亚马逊。 In 1994, a young man named Jeff Bezos, who was just a financial analyst and fund manager, became intrigued by the rapid growth of the Internet. He listed 20 products that might sell well on the Internet. After some intense analysis, he chose books, and he named his online bookshop Amazon.com. 贝索斯以前并没有什么图书销售行业的经验。但他知道图书属低价商品,易于运 输,而且很多顾客在买书时不要求当面检查一下。所以,如果促销有力,就能够使顾 客冲动购买图书。每时每刻,全球都有 400 多万种图书正在印刷,其中 100 多万种是 英文图书。然而,即使是最大的书店也不可能库存有 20 万种图书。这样,贝索斯发 现了图书在线销售的战略机会。 Even though Bezos had no experience in selling books before, he realized that books were the low-price commodities and ideal for shipping. Whats more, lots of customers would be willing to buy books without inspecting them in person. With effective promotion, books could be impulse purchase items. More than 4 million book titles are being printed every minute and more than 1 million of them are in English. However, even the largest physical bookstore can not stock more than 200 thousand books. From this, Bezos found a strategic opportunity of selling books on line. 除了上述销售机会,另一个因素对于亚马逊网上书店的成功也同样重要,这就是 图书销售这个行业的供应商结构。贝索斯发现,图书市场上有很多出版商,但没有一 个能够垄断市场。因此,就没有出版商能够制约亚马逊网上书店的图书供应,或作为 竞争者进入这个市场。贝索斯最后决定把公司设在西雅图,这里有很多计算机编程高 手,还有全球最大的图书分销中心。 Besides the sale opportunity above, the supply structure of books selling is also very important to the success of Amazon online bookstore. Bezos found that there were a lot of publishers in book market, but none of them could monopolize the market. Thus no single 1 supplier could restrict the supply of books of Amazon online bookshop or enter his market as a competitor. Bezos decided to locate his company in Seattle, close to a large pool of computer programming talents and near the largest book distribution warehouses in the world. 贝索斯鼓励顾客把自己的书评发给网站, 他把这些评论和图书的出版商信息一起 发布。顾客的书评就像街边书店里店员的推荐和建议。虽然贝索斯看到了互联网是送 达小的、高度集中的细分市场的巨大力量,但他知道网上书店不可能满足所有顾客的 所有要求。所以,他设计了一个关联销售方案,把其他网站划分为不同的主题,这些 网站可以和亚马逊网上书店特定主题的图书建立链接。作为回报,亚马逊将这种链接 所带来的销售额的百分比提成返给这些网站。 Bezos encouraged his customers to submit their book reviews to websites. He posted these reviews with the publishers information. This customer participation served as a substitute for the corner bookshop staffs friend advice and recommendations. Bezos saw the tremendous power of the Internet in reaching small and highly concentrated market segments, but he realized that his online bookstore could not satisfy all customers demands. Therefore, he designed a sales associate program in which Web sites devoted to a particular topic, could provide links to Amazon.com books that related to that topic. In return, Amazon.com remits a percentage of the referred sales to the owner of the referring site. 在亚马逊网上书店的成长过程中,它总是在不断地寻找新的战略机会。1998 年, 它开始销售 CD 唱片和录像带。它的 WWW 网站软件可以追踪顾客的购货记录并向顾客 推荐相关书籍。此外,顾客还可以要求亚马逊网上书店在某一作者出版新书时通知自 己。由于不断关注并改进图书的进货、促销、销售和运输等业务环节,贝索斯和他的 亚马逊网上书店成为电子商务领域早期一颗耀眼的明星。 During the growth of Amazon.com, it has been seeking new strategic opportunities. In 1998, Amazon.com began selling CDs and videotapes. The website software could track a customers purchase and recommend relevant book titles. In addition, customers could also request the Amazon.com to inform them of the new books by a certain author. Paying much attention to every process involved in books buying, promoting, selling and shipping, Bezos and his Amazon.com became the first visible success stories in electronic commerce. 开始于 20 世纪 90 年代初期的互联网商业化直接推动了电子商务的迅速发展。 电 子商务的影响及其所带来的变革是全面而深远的, 同时电子商务的发展和应用是不断 变化和演进的过程,这就要求我们进一步认识和理解电子商务。 The Internet commercialization beginning at the early 1990s has directly promoted the 2 rapid development of electronic commerce. The impact and the changes brought by the E-commerce are comprehensive and far-reaching. Meanwhile, the development and the application of E-commerce is a process of changing and evolution. Therefore, it is necessary for us to study electronic commerce. 【本章要点】 【本章要点】 ? 电子商务的定义和要素 The definition and elements of E-commerce ? 各种不同类型的电子商务 Different types of E-commerce ? 电子商务的产生和发展历史 The history and development of E-commerce ? 相关学科对电子商务的影响 The impact of relevant disciplines on E-commerce 1.1 电子商务的基本概念(1.1 电子商务的基本概念(The Basic Concept of Electronic Commerce) ) “商务”是从事商品交换的经济事务活动。直观地讲,就是商品(货物)的买、 卖,或者说是货品的交换及分配。可见,商务涉及到货品、服务、金融、知识信息等 的交易,与此有关的企业、机构、单位、部门、消费者等团体或个体以一定的契约及 规则相互联系在一起,构成了一个符合社会规律并按一定方式进行的商贸活动网络。 Commerce is economic activity involving the exchange of commodities. Directly speaking, it is buying and the selling of commodities, or it is the exchange and distribution of goods. Commerce involves the transaction of commodities, services, finance and knowledge information, etc. The relevant groups, such as enterprises, institutions, sectors, departments, and consumers, or individual consumers are associated with each other by certain
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