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毕业设计(论文)毕业设计(论文)题 目 QTP 测试工具在软件开发中的应用系 别: 软件与服务外包学院 专 业: 软件测试 班 级: 0000 姓 名: * 学 号: 100000000 指导教师: * QTP 测试工具在软件开发中的应用测试工具在软件开发中的应用摘要:摘要:软件测试是软件工程的重要部分,是确保软件质量的重要手段。最近几年,由于软件的复杂度不断增强、软件产品的不断发展,软件测试得到了越来越广泛的重视。自动化测试是把为人为驱动的测试行为转化为机器执行的一种过程。通常,在设计了测试用例并通过评审之后,有测试人员根据用例中描述的规程一步步执行,得到实际结果与预期结果的比较。在此过程中,为了节省人力、时间或硬件资源,提高测试效率,便引进了自动化测试的概念。QTP 是 quicktest Professional 的简称,是一种自动测试工具。使用 QTP 的目的时想用它来执行重复的手动测试,主要是用于回归测试和测试同一软件的新版本。Mercury QuickTest Professional 甚至可以使新测试人员在几分钟内提高效率。您只需通过按“记录”按钮,并使用执行典型业务流程的应用程序即可常见测试脚本。系统使用简明的英文语句和屏幕抓图来自动记录业务流程中的每个步骤。用户可以在关键字试图中轻松修改、删除或重新安排测试步骤。关键字:关键字:软件测试、自动化测试、回归测试、QTPThe application of QTP test tool in softwares developmentAbstract: The test of Software is the important part in software project ,it is the important means of ensuring software quality. Recently in few years, the unceasing development of, software product strengthens continuously because of the complex degree of software, software test has gotten , it is more and more extensive to pay attention. Automation test is with the test behavior transformation of artificial drive a kind of course of carrying out for machine. Usually, when having designed Test Case have test people after passing through evaluation the rules step of one step that basis describes in example carry out , get the comparison of actual result and expected result. In this course ,it have led into the concept of automation test for saving manpower, time or hardware resource and raising test efficiency. QTP is the abbreviation of quicktest Professional , is a kind of voluntarily test tool. Using the purpose of QTP is that the by hand that wants to carry out repetition with it tests , it is used in regressing test mainly and test the new edition of same software. Mercury QuickTest Professional can even make new test people raise efficiency in some minutes. You need to carry out the application program of typical business process through pressing the button of “ record “ and using only, found test script. System uses concise English sentence and screen to grab picture come from to move every step in record business process. User can the relaxed modification in keyword view , delete or reordering test step. Keywords:The test of Software、The test of Automation、The test of Regression、QTP(QuickTest Professional)目目 录录前言.5 第 1 章 软件测试.6 1.1 定义.6 1.2 软件质量与测试的关系.6 1.3 主要技术.6 1.4 自动化测试.7 第 2 章 QTP 简介.8 2.1 特点.8 2.2 安装(截图).8 2.3 基本操作(截图).13 第 3 章 订票系统功能简介.17 3.1 订票功能.17 3.1 修改订票功能.17 3.1 删除订票功能.17 第 4 章 测试需求分析与计划.18 4.1 需求分析.18 4.2 测试计划.18 第 5 章 订票功能测试.20 5.2 测试用例.20 5.2 录制脚本过程(截图).
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