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饰品销售网站的开发摘 要随着 Internet 和计算机网络技术的迅速发展,网络化和全球化已成为不可抗拒的世界潮流,连接全世界的电子信息通道已形成,应用 Internet 开发电子商务也开始具备实用的条件,电子商务获得长足发展的时机已经成熟。Internet 电子商务主要以非速发展的遍及全球的 Internet 为架构,以交易双方为主体,以银行支付和结算为手段,以客户数据库为依托的全新商业模式。本设计尝试用 ASP.NET 在网络上架构一个动态的电子商务网站,系统的目标是为了更加有效地进行饰品的买卖活动,使用户不用出门,在家就能够通过上网轻松购物。用户可以在该系统中实现注册新用户、登录、浏览热门饰品、最新上市的饰品、搜索饰品、添加到购物车、更新购物车、修改购物车数量、提交订单、结算等功能;管理员可以通过查询管理员信息、订单管理、进货管理、库存管理、销售查询等功能来对系统进行维护更新。从而完成一个人性化,个性化的,现代化的电子商务网站。本文包括绪论、需求分析、系统总体设计、系统详细设计四大部分,力求使系统更加的人性化,从而能够充分的满足操作用户的要求。关键词:网站设计;电子商务;饰品销售The Development of Jewelry-sale WebsiteAbstractWith the rapidly development of Internet and computer network technology, networking and globalization has become an irresistible trend, electronic information channel of the world communication has been formed, the development of e-commerce Internet applications have begun to own practical terms, the time of e-commerce is ripe for development. Internet e-commerce is the main framework for the development of the non-speed Internet throughout the world.It is as a body to the parts to transaction, a means to the bank payment and settlement and the new business model based on the customer database. It tries to use ASP.NET to struct dynamic e-commerce sites on the network, the systems goal is to more effectively carry out the trading activities of jewelry, so that users do not have to go out, can be easily shopping through the Internet at home. Users can achieve the function of registration of new users, logging in, browsing popular jewelry and the latest listing of the jewelry, searching Jewelry, adding to cart, updating shopping cart, editing the number of items of cart, submitting orders, billing gand and so on in the system; Administrators can query for information of administrators, order management, stock management, inventory management, sales enquiries, and other functions to update the system for maintenance. Thus, a humane, personalized, modern e-commerce site is completed. In this paper, including the introduction, needs analysis, system design, detailed design of the four most systems, it strives to make the system more humane and thus able to fully meet the requirements of operational users.Key words: website design; e-commerce; jewelry-sale目录1 绪论.11.1 课题背景及目的.11.2 系统简介.11.3 系统设计目标.11.4 系统采用的主要技术.21.4.1 存储过程介绍.21.4.2 数据访问接口 ADO.NET.32 需求分析.42.1 可行性分析.42.1.1 技术可行性.52.1.2 操作可行性.52.1.3 经济可行性.52.2 系统功能需求概述.52.3 系统结构分析.62.4 数据流图(DFD).73 系统总体设计.93.1 系统功能图及功能介绍.93.2 数据库组织与表结构.103.3 系统开发环境介绍.133.3.1 开发及运行环境.133.3.2 Sql Server 2000 简介.143.3.3 ASP.NET 介绍.
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