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PacketShaper Family Datasheet Fast WAN. Fast Apps. Fast Business.PacketShaper WAN Application Optimization SolutionsSeventy-four percent of the worlds largest companies rely on Packeteer innovation to solve their WAN application performance problems.Can you afford to fall behind?Customer-critical applications on the networkSuccessful distributed enterprises depend on collaborative, customer-critical applications to run their business. They cant afford “operational paralysis” due to rigid networks that arent able to support these applications. The Packeteer PacketShaper is an intelligent overlay that bridges the gap between the network and applications, delivering integrated visibility, control, compression and acceleration in a single device, ensuring optimal application performance and a great user experience. When you need critical applications to move at the speed of business, theres only one answer. Packeteer. Moving Applications at the Speed of Business.PacketShaper WAN Application Optimization SolutionsPacketShaper Monitoring Module Before you can optimize application performance, you need an accurate picture of network traffic. The PacketShaper Monitoring Module provides deep insight into application traffic so you can identify, measure and manage all traffic types customer-critical, business, recreational and miscellaneous even if theyre sharing common ports.PacketShaper automatically classifies and measures network applications, providing the insight of a probe but with deeper, application-intelligent Layer 7 Plus visibility. In addition to delivering network and application utilization and performance data, the Monitoring Module validates common protocols and tracks what happens to each connection established by each application. Monitoring also breaks traffic down at a granular level, recording peak and average utilization rates, bytes transmitted, availability, utilization, top talkers/listeners, network efficiency and much more. Get an application-intelligent picture of network traffic Identify and classify applications with Layer 7 Plus technology Audit utilization and performance by links, users or applications Track application response times, isolate performance issues and identify server- or network-related issues Monitor service-level agreements (SLAs) for critical applications or links Access performance diagnostics including connection profiling and server responses (TCP Health), traffic captures, traffic forensic history and moreMonitor over 500 applications with Layer 7 Plus visibilityShape traffic in real-time with flexible policy-based controlsCompress application traffic for increased capacityAccelerate application throughput for enhanced performance Control multi-unit PacketShaper deployments with centralized management and reporting PacketShaper is the only all-in-one modular solution that extends application monitoring, shaping, compression, acceleration and centralized reporting and management capabilities to the edge of the distributed enterprise. Packeteer Illustrations G188.5_Topology.v3 PolicyCenterReportCenterApplications Branches Applications Applications Applications Applications Main Sites WAN (Frame Relay, MLPS, TDM, IP, etc.) PacketShaper Shaping ModuleGuarantee bandwidth availability for the applications that drive your business. The PacketShaper Shaping Module provides Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning that helps you control traffic to ensure that latency-sensitive, customer-critical applications get the bandwidth they need to perform at their peak.With patented TCP rate control, the Shaping Module automatically determines the sending rates of computers at the far end of the network to deliver bi-directional QoS. Then prioritize your business-critical applications and provision sessions for them with application-intelligent QoS technology. If recreational applications are tying up your network, the Shaping Module allows you to move them into a folder and partition the bandwidth as you see fit. You can also enhance network security by finding and stopping infected PCs and tracking every flow through the network.Ensure QoS for each application at every location Fix critical application performance issues by appropriately allocating bandwidth Stop the cycle of bandwidth upgrades and streamline the network by controlling recreational and malicious traffic Contain the impact of worms, viruses and broadcast storms Remove jitter and delay from the network Minimize network congestion, queuing latency and inefficiencies that hurt application response times between remote locations“Packeteer really helped us to pick things up that no one really expected to see. Our business units assured us there were no real rogue applications in use, but when we showed them the application performance analysis results, they could see with their own eyes that unapproved applications were being used.”
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