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智 课 网 G R E 备 考 资 料2015年11月13日GRE等价填空真题精彩献映-智课教育旗下智课教育GRE考试刚刚落下帷幕不久,小编就为大家精心整理了2015年11 月13日GRE等价填空真题。正在备考或者准备备考GRE考试的考生快来 一睹真题的精彩内容吧。 GRE考试真题是大家备考的一个风向标,所以掌握真题是非常有必 要的。下面,小编精心整理了2015年11月13日GRE等价填空真题,帮 助大家更好地备考,快来围观吧。 1.As_ from Japan, he wascalled upon to answer questions about the Japanese governments position on variousissues. A. a plenipotentiary B. a tyro C. a legate D. an anchorite E. an ascetic F. a sybarite 答案:A C2.While the groupsstreet protests assumed an assertory uncompromising tenor, once admitted to the halls of power tobegin formal lobbying, the groups leadership wisely chose to_ the stridency of theirrhetoric. A. metamorphose B. gild C. wane D. palliate E. succor F. damp 答案:D F3.The womens rightsmovement has been mostly_ in the Middle East, but it is likely that activists will be newlygalvanized by the political upheavals currently sweeping the region. A. subverted B. quiescent C. interminable D. bootless E. abeyant F. feckless 答案:B E 4.Debate rages on betweenproponents of corporal punishment and the death penalty and their detractors, though eventhe most rabid supporter agrees that punishments must be_ and the justice systemevenhanded and thorough. A. meet B. clement C. delimited D. condignE. tantamount F. merciful 答案:A D 20150821 5.The uniquely humanability to rethink and revise our social arrangements is a weird blessing, allowing usto create systems that are as likely to _us as to liberate us. A cheer B shackle C admonish D educateE stifle F enliven 参考答案:shackle, stifle 6.Although field studieshave linked inbreeding to declines among song sparrow populations, someresearchers argue that, in nature, inbreeding proves _as a factor when comparedwith crushing blows from weather changes. A hazardous B momentous C trivial D significant E precarious F inconsequential 参考答案:trivial,inconsequential 7.Although the insistenceon balancing spending against tax revenues has contributed to the economysstagnation, unfortunately, the government does not seem likelyto_ this rigidpolicy. A initiate B persist in C publicize D repudiate E continue F recant 参考答案:repudiate, recant
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