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智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料雅思口语part1话题之乡村-智课教育出国考试雅思口语part1话题之乡村是本文小编想要和大家分享的主要内容 ,下面是根据此话题及雅思口语part1的问题特点进行的答题素材汇总 ,供大家参考。 Have you ever been to the countryside? Im a city boy. I dont think I would survive even one night in the countryside. Its too quiet, too dirty, and too tacky. Im sure it would drive me nuts. 我是个城市男孩。我觉得自己在乡下连一晚上也撑不过去。乡下太 安静,太脏,太俗气。我肯定它会把我逼疯的。 Do you like living in the countryside? I grew up on a farm and moved to the city where I had my tires slashed, mailbox stolen and even had food stolen off my barbecue grill. I moved to the suburbs where my house was burgled. How I wish I were still on the farm! 我在农村长大的后来搬进了市里,在市里我的轮胎被割,信箱被偷 ,甚至烧烤架上食物都被偷过。我搬到郊区,房子被盗。我多希望我还 住在农场里啊!What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the countryside? I live in the country and I love my place. I lived in the city for a few months and it wasnt my cup of tea. My advantages of living in the country are that it is peaceful and quiet and you have all the privacy in the world. You can see the stars almost every night, as opposed to the city. I really see no disadvantages of living in the country. 我住在乡下而且我喜欢我家。我在市里住了几个月但是我不喜欢。 住在乡下的优点是那里很祥和安静而且你有很多隐私。几乎每晚你都能 看到星星,和城市相反。我真的看不出来住在乡下有什么不好的。 What are the differences between living in cities and living in the countryside?Im proud of where I came from. I was born and raised in boondocks. Theres no congested traffic, polluted air and fast-paced life. I love my hometown! Would swap it only for heaven. 我对自己出身很自豪。我是在乡下土生土长的。那没有拥堵的交通 ,污染的空气,快节奏的生活。我爱我的家乡!只会拿它和天堂换。 The difference between the relationship of neighbours in the countryside and that in the city? I personally think people in the cities have bad relationships with neighbours. They are impolite, aloof and most of them do not even know the name of the people next-door, while rural people share their lives in many aspects. 我个人认为城里的人们和邻居的关系不好。他们没有礼貌,很冷漠 ,而且大多数人不知道隔壁人的名字,但是农村人在很多方面分享他们 的生活。 以上即是雅思口语part1话题之乡村的相关内容介绍,希望对大家 的备考有所帮助,考生们多积累一些答题素材也是很有必要的。祝愿广 大考生能够取得满意的雅思成绩! 更多内容请持续关注智课教育雅思频道。
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