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Panacea-BOCAF On-Line University The Panacea University is the Worlds first “unofficial” OPEN SOURCE University. Panaceas calls it a University as we teach. This is an educational series covering OPEN SOURCE clean FREE energy technology towards building our children a future. Panacea-BOCAF is a registered non-profit organization, dedicated to educational study and research. All copyrights belong to their owners and are acknowledged. All material presented on this web site is either news reporting or information presented for non-profit study and research, or has previously been publicly disclosed or has implicitly or explicitly been put into the public domain. Fair Use applies. Contact us. Panacea-BOCAF -Home Page Panacea University Overview. Description Replication Faculty information Supplies. Technical support forum. Replication Videos. w w w . t e c h - d o m a i n . c o mLinks. Credits Overview Panaceas replication of Dr Stifflers Near Infinity Light Circuit (NILS) Spatial Energy Coherence (SEC) Technology is Patent Pending: 61254675 Note The Spatial Light and Eternal Light and the Self Charging NILS (near infinity light system) Light Systems have never been released to public domain and are therefore protected under patent pending status (World Wide). Unauthorized Copying of this material is strictly forbidden. Violation of these Copyrights will be enforced. All circuits shown, unless otherwise disclaimed are originally the Intellectual Property of Dr. Ronald R. Stiffler. Quote -Should anyone compile a reference (in any form) from my public information, please follow “All“, stated and “Implied“ exclusive rights. Any and all compilations of my publicly available information must state that the compilation or reference is not approved by me, is or may not be accurate, and cannot be sold or exchanged for value. w w w . t e c h - d o m a i n . c o mWhenever experimenting with any of the circuits presented here the following precautions apply. 1. Do not look directly at any of the Super White LEDs, Neons or Xenons connected to one of the circuits without OSHA approved eye protection. A SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT OF UV LIGHT CAN BE PRESENT AND PRESENT AN EXTREME HEALTH HAZARD. 2. All Exciter circuits presented here can potentially cause RF burns. Under normal conditions a person will not feel the burn taking place until after the damage is done. Never touch or hold onto any component or exposed wire when a circuit has applied power. 3. Do not experiment with any of these devices if you are not qualified and aware of all the dangers presented. 4. Always perform experiments under controlled conditions and comply with the FCC rules and regulations. -Open source energy engineer Dr. Ronald R. Stiffler End Quote. The Stiffler Scientific (Website) have made the recent SEC 18-1 Exciter Series available primarily for Research and Development. Also Stiffler Scientific are offering for License three different technologies, (1 - Electrolyzer to Direct Flame), (2 - Spatial Light Systems) and (3 - Eternal Light Systems). The licenses are for exclusive manufacture and sale. Please Email Dr Stiffler for any interests, the emails is contained on his web site mentioned above. Dr. Stiffler has been a great asset to the FREE energy communities, however other forums have in the past forced Dr. Stiffler to move on; this was due to some forums being full of dysfunctional people. Dr. Stiffler has stated that he intends to provide as much information as possible but will not accept ignorance in any form. Whenever discussing the research, circuits and or systems developed by Dr. Stiffler and you are not intending to hider the research: 1. ALWAYS be courteous and polite. Show respect to the opinions and feelings of others. Use of the forums is a privilege, not a right. 2. Engage your brain before your mouth. You are responsible for your own words and any harm they may cause. 3. Dont dilute the forums with irrelevant and unnecessary posts, PLEASE DO BACKGROUND SEARCHING so that questions only have to be answered ONCE. w w w . t e c h - d o m a i n . c o mWe intend to enforce this and also to police against “Disinformation” agents. Over the years Panacea has seen this behavior, and as we must all accept, all the black operators, specialists in this domain come immediately and get on your back and in threads to hinder progress. We have already seen many that have been dealt with regarding the SEC, and, who try to break your spirit and emotions. Whilst we know that its absolutely NORMAL, as in a sense this subject matter is breaching their dam of gree
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