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理学院 BBS 平台开发摘 要在 Internet 飞速发展的今天,互联网成为人们快速获取、发布和传递信息的重要渠道,它在人们政治、经济、生活、学习等各个方面发挥着重要的作用。因此网站建设在 Internet 应用上的地位显而易见,它已成为政府、企事业单位、学校信息化建设中的重要组成部分,从而倍受人们的重视。这次我们所设计的课题正是互联网与社会生活之间的紧密关系的体现,现今的社会,人们已经离不开了网络,网络已经成为人与人之间交流的一种形式,他能够把事情的复杂化转为简单化。论坛 BBS 管理系统,可以更好的实现与用户的交互,通常需要搜集用户的有关信息,关对用户进行区别划分,本站点的对会员提供更好的服务。现在在很多的企业站点都有 BBS,通过论坛更加快捷的了解企业员工的信息,而建立会员服务的基础是建系论坛管理系统。通过该系统可以进行用户与用户间的交流、企业与企业间的信息交互,利用网络经济而又快捷地与外界进行各种信息沟通,取得更有用的信息资源。这次我的课题是理学院 BBS 平台的开发,通过这个论坛,可以展示每一个同学的风采、优点,发布个人对一些事物的看法,增强同学们之间,团体与团体之间,同学与团体之间的交流联系。在 Internet 上实现信息的传递,提高办事效率,它已成为同学们沟通和获取信息的重要组成部分。为了更方便同学们的沟通和获取信息,特构建此论坛。关键词:JSP,Microsoft SQL Server 2000,tomcat, eclipse,理学院 BBSCollege of Science BBS on Development PlatformABSTRACTThe rapid development of the Internet today, Internet access to become a fast release and an important channel for transmitting information, its political, economic, and life in all aspects of learning to play an important role. Therefore the construction site in the status of Internet applications Obviously, it has become the government, enterprises, institutions, schools of information technology an important part of so much attention. The issue we have designed the Internet and social life is the close relationship between the embodiment of todays society, people have can not be separated from the network, the network between people has become a form of exchange, he was able to things to simplify the complicated. BBS Forum management system that can better interact with users, users usually need to collect relevant information related to the difference between the user division, members of the site to provide better services. In many enterprises now have a site BBS, through a more efficient forum for employees to understand the information, and to establish the basis of Member Services Department is the forum management system. Through the system users can exchange, business and information exchange between enterprises, the use of the Internet economy with the outside world and to quickly communicate information to obtain more useful information resources. The issue is College of Science BBS platform, through this forum, you can display the style of each student, benefits, release of personal views on some things, and enhance the students between the groups and between groups, students and groups Contact between. In the Internet, the transmission of information to improve efficiency, it has become the students access to information communication and an important part. Students, to facilitate communication and access to information, special construction of this group.KEY WORDS: JSP,Microsoft SQL Server 2000,tomcat, eclipse,College of Science BBS目 录摘 要 .IABSTRACT .II1 设计本系统的意义和相关原理 .11.1 绪论.11.2 理学院 BBS 平台开发的目标和意义.11.3 语言的选择.21.3.1 JSP 简介.21.3.2 Microsoft SQL Server 2000 数据库简介.21.4 运行环境的要求.31.4.1 软件环境 .31.4.2 硬件环境 .31.5 运行环境的配置.42 系统分析 .62.1 理学院 BBS 系统技术可行性分析.62.2 系统需求分析.72.2.1 系统的综合要求 .72.2.2 系统的数据要求 .72.2.3 数据结构的设计 .92.3 性能需求.102.4 系统的运行需求.103 系统设计 .113.1 系统设计思想.113.2 系统功能模块划分.113.3 系统流程图.134 数据库设计 .144.1 数据库需求分析.144.2 数据库概念结构设计.144.3 数据库逻辑结构设计.154.4 数据库的生成与配置.175 模块设计与实现 .185.1 数据库的连接与访问实现.185.2 论坛首页的显示以及登陆功能的实现.205.3 用户注册界面的设计与实现.235.4 论坛发帖回复模块的设计和实现.265.5 论坛后台管理模块的设计与实现.27致 谢 .
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