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Welcome!Unit 4 Wild animalsComic strip&Welcome to the unit1.What does Hobo want to do ?2.Will Eddie give him his food?No, he wont .He wants to share the delicious food with Eddie.Listen and answer :Oh, your food looks delicious!Can I have some?No! If you eat my food, I wont talk to you.If I dont have food, I die. Eddie, please.Sorry, Hobo. If I dont have food, I die too. If I die, no one will look after you.possible actionpossible action: possible possible resultresult: Hobo eats Eddies food. Hobo doesnt eat food. Eddie doesnt eat food. Eddie wont talk to Hobo.Hobo dies. Eddie dies. No one will look after Hobo.Eddie dies.elephanthorsechickendogcatbirdtortoisegoldfishparrotsnakemosquitoespig Learning about wild animals.squirrelbeargiant pandakangarootigerdolphingiraffecamelmonkeyfoxwolf polar bearlionzebrasquirrelgiant pandabearkangarootiger dolphingiraffemonkeycamel foxzebrapolar bearlion1. Name a wild animal that is very big and heavy.elephant2. Name a wild animal like a horse, with black and white lines on its body.zebra3. Name a wild animal that is like a bear, but with black and white fur. giant panda4. Name a wild animal that looks like acat.tiger5. Name a wild animal that has a long, soft tail and lives in the trees.squirrelkangarooName a wild animal that lives in Australia has a big pocket and a long thick tail.7. Name a wild animal that is a kind of game fish and widely lives in warm seas (especially around Hawaii)dolphinLanguage points1.If you eat my food. I wont talk to you.如果你吃了我的食物,我就不和 你讲话了。 此句是个复合句,if 引导的句子为 条件状语从句。If Im free ,Ill go with you. 如果我有空,我就和你 一起去。e.g.2. Expressions:look delicious have some foodeat my food look after Choose the best word:(tigers, dolphins, elephants, monkeys, giant pandas, camels) 1.-Where do the _live? -In the deserts(沙漠). 2.-Can_carry things for people? -Yes,they can. 3.-Do the_live on land or in the sea? -In the sea. 4.-Which animals eat bamboo shoots and leaves?-_,I think. 5.-Do_eat meat and can survive in the forest? -Yes,they do.camelselephantsdolphinsGiant pandas tigersFill in the blanks:1.你的食物看上去很美味.Your food _ _. 2.如果你吃了我的东西,我就不和你说话.If you _ my food, I _talk to you. 3.如果我死了,就没人照顾你了.If I _, no one _ _ after you. 4.你更喜欢哪一个动物,这只大熊猫还是那只小松鼠?Which_ do you like better, this_ _ or that small _? 5.我再也不喜欢野生动物了.I_ like _ animals _ _.looksdeliciouseatwontdiewill lookanimalgiant pandasquirreldontwildany moreA: Which animal do you like best? Why? B: I like giant pandas best. Because they are lovely. A: Which animal do you like least? Why? B: I like tigers least. Because they are dangerous.Discussion:Useful words monkeys,clever/squirrels, hardworking/ dolphins, friendly, lovely/dogs,friendly/ polar bears, interesting/ snakes, poisonous/lions, dangerous/ bears, lazy/ mosquitoes,dangerous/Thanks for joining us!Goodbye!
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