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洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文)I年产 400 万套 ABS 小型风扇后壳网罩的注塑工艺设计摘 要本文以小型风扇后壳网罩为例,通过对成品特点的分析,研究设计了符合规划目标的工艺流程。通过对原料性能的研究,重点介绍了 ABS 树脂优越的物理性能和化学属性,论证了本次设计原料的可行性;在工艺路线设计方面,综合国内发展现状,选取了具有代表性的传统注塑工艺,对注塑过程、废料回收等各环节做了介绍;在设备选型方面,通过对规划目标的衡算,筛选出了匹配本次设计产能的注塑机型号并计算出设备的需求量;在经济衡算方面,考虑到车间实际生产中产生的费用,论证了本次设计的经济效益具有可行性;在车间生产管理方面,制定了标准化的车间生产基本管理制度,并对车间人员工作职能分配做了介绍;整个设计过程中,方法科学,规划合理,以使本次设计具有效可行。 关键词:ABS,工艺路线,注塑,经济效益 ,可行性洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文)IIAnnual Output of 4 Million Sets of ABS Shell after Small Fan Net Technology DesignABSTRACTIn this paper, we take a small fan grille shell as example, by analyzing the characteristics of the finished product, we design a process to meet the research objectives of the planningThrough studying the material properties, focusing on the ABS resin superior physical properties and chemical properties, demonstrated the feasibility of this design materials; in process route design, develop comprehensive domestic status, select a representative conventional injection molding process on the injection molding process, waste recycling and other aspects have been described; in equipment selection, through the planning target balance, screened matching this design capacity of the injection molding machine model and calculate the demand for equipment; in economic accounting, taking into account the actual production cost of the workshop generated, demonstrated the economic benefits of this design is feasible; in the workshop production management, to develop a standardized workshop production of basic management system, personnel assigned job functions and workshops made a presentation; throughout the design process, the method of science, planning and reasonable to make this design a feasible and effective.KEY WORDS: ABS, process route, injection molding, economic feasibility洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文)III目 录前 言.1第 1 章 原料的选择及简介.31.1 原料的选择依据.31.2 ABS 树脂分子的组成结构.31.3 ABS 树脂分子的主要特性.4第 2 章 注塑成型工艺概述.62.1 注塑成型工艺过程及条件.62.2 注塑成型工艺原理.62.3 注塑成型工艺应用.8第 3 章生产工艺流程的确定.103.1 成型前的准备.103.2 注塑过程.113.3 制件的后处理.133.4 废料的后处理.13第 4 章 物料衡算与能量衡算.154.1 物料衡算.154.1.1 物料衡算的意义.154.1.2 物料衡算的方法.154.1.3 物料衡算的计算.164.2 能量衡算.174.2.1 电能消耗.174.2.2 水量消耗.18第 5 章 设备的选型及计算.195.1 设备选型总原则及要求.195.1.1 设备选型的原则.195.1.2 设备选型的要求.195.2 选择步骤.205.3 注塑机的选择.20第 6 章 设备的维护保养及车间管理.23洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文)IV6.1 注塑机的日常保养.236.1.1 开关机关键点.236.1.2 安全措施.236.1.3 维护保养.236.2 车间管理.246.2.1 管理项目.246.2.2 生产管理.256.2.3 工作人员的确定.
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