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1 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco ConfidentialSession Number Presentation_ID802.17 弹性分组环协议弹性分组环协议SESSION OPT-2102成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站: w w w .c i s c o h u a w e i .n e t QQ:505836736 互联神州思科专业技术培训 技术论坛:w w w .c i s c o h u a w e i .c o m 一品阳光2 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco ConfidentialSession Number Presentation_IDAgenda 802.17 Introduction 802.17 Topology 802.17 Protection 802.17 Traffic Classification 802.17 Fairness Summary Q informational RFC 2892; first deployed in 1999 DPTDynamic Packet TransportCisco RPR product family using SRP as the ring protocol 802.17IEEE standard ring protocolIEEE development for an RPR standard protocol, due for release June 2004 Wrappinglocally-applied ring protection mechanism Span-based protection mechanism Steeringglobally-applied ring protection mechanism Ring-based protection mechanism Fairnessgeneric term for BW sharing among ring nodes An algorithm to allocate appropriate BW to stations based on priority and capacity Lineratethe value of L1 BW available on a single-ring span Effective BW for a ring can be many times the rings linerate; data linerate is the L1 linerate minus overhead, control traffic, and any platform limitations BLSRBidirectional Line Switched RingSONET Ring topology for connection based ADM Networks; source of many of the requirements for RPR rings including 50ms restoration成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站: w w w .c i s c o h u a w e i .n e t QQ:505836736 互联神州思科专业技术培训 技术论坛:w w w .c i s c o h u a w e i .c o m 一品阳光5 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco ConfidentialSession Number Presentation_IDIntroduction: Ring Terminology 802.17MACO-TxI-RxO-RxI-TxI-TxO-RxI-RxPHYRPR StationEast-PHYringlet1ringlet0MAC East-PHYPHYO-TxPHYMACPHYPHYPHYWest-PHYWest-PHYRPR StationWest-PHYEast-PHYRPR StationI-TxI-RXO-TxO-RxPHYMust Be Same Speed on All Spans; Optics Can Be Different 成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站: w w w .c i s c o h u a w e i .n e t QQ:505836736 互联神州思科专业技术培训 技术论坛:w w w .c i s c o h u a w e i .c o m 一品阳光6 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco ConfidentialSession Number Presentation_IDIntroduction: 802.17 Layer DiagramUpper Layers/Logical Link ControlEthernet PHYGE (GERS) 10GE (XGERS)GFP AdaptationGFP RS (GRS)SONET RS (SRS)HDLC-Like AdaptationSONET/SDH PHY (155 Mbps+)GMII/XGMII/XAUI802.17 Medium Access Control (MAC) Control/DatapathRSReconciliation Sublayer GFPGeneric-Framing Procedure HDLCHigh-Level Data-Link ControlGMIIGigabit-Media Independent Interface XAUI10-Gigabit Attachment Unit Interface成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站: w w w .c i s c o h u a w e i .n e t QQ:505836736 互联神州思科专业技术培训 技术论坛:w w w .c i s c o h u a w e i .c o m 一品阳光7 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco ConfidentialSession Number Presentation_IDIntroduction: Layer 1 Two main layer 1 transport mediums proposed for 802.17SDH/SONET (GFP, HDLC-like framing) Ethernet (Gigabit PacketPHY) RPR is a layer 2 protocol so little difference between the two layer-1 mediums; Advanced SDH/SONET protection event mechanisms (signal degrade and BER)Gigabit solution transition to an TDM transport carrier may requires additional considerations 成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站: w w w .c i s c o h u a w e i .n e t QQ:505836736 互联神州思科专业技术培训 技术论坛:w w w .c i s c o h u a w e i .c o m 一品阳光8 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco ConfidentialSession Number Presentation_ID802.17 Protocol: TopicsOther Features Include Jumbo MTU, ATD, OAM, MIBS, and Extended Frame Support OtherInformation Exchanged Between Neighbor Stations to Permit the Fair Sharing of BW in a Congestion DomainFairnessSupport for Separate Priority Traffic Classes A, B, and C; Each Class has Specific CapabilitiesEach Traffic Class has a MAC-Layer Queue Restrictions Which Allow the User to limit Station BW Allocations Based on Traffic Classes Traffic ClassesA Subset of Topology which Allows for Wrapping and Steering Protection in the Event of a Span Failure ProtectionDetails Exchanged Among Nodes to Permit Each Station to Know the Full Ring Topology TopologyDescriptionFeature成都互联神州思科专业技术培训学校培训网站: w w w .c i s c o h u a w e i .n e t QQ:505836736 互联神州思科专业技术培训 技术论坛:w w w .c i s c o h u a w e i .c o m 一品阳光9 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco ConfidentialSession Number Presentation_ID802.17 Protocol: Packet FormatRI: 1 bit/ring IDFE: 1 bit/fairness eligibleFT: 2 bit/frame typeSC: 2 bit/service classWE: 1 bit/wrap eligibleP: 1 bit /header parityEF: 1 bit/extended frame IDFI: 2 bit/flood typePS: 1 bit/pass sourceSO: 1 bit/strict orderRsvd: 3 bit/reservedFIPSEFSORSVDFEFTRISCWEPHEC field in 802.17 to support delivery of TDM traffic in the case of packet errors in payload1TTL to DestBase ControlFCSService Data UnitProtocol TypeMAC daTTL BaseMAC saExtended ControlHec6
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