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2 0 1 4World Oil and Gas Review 2014ContentsList of Countries VINotes and Methods VI I II ntr oductionOilReserves 4 Areas and Aggregates 4 The World Top 10 Reserves Holders 5 Countries 6 Cluster of Companies 8 Production 9 Areas and Aggregates 9 The World Top 10 Producers 10 Countries 11 Cluster of Companies 13 The World Top 10 Natural Gas Liquids Producers 14 Biofuels Production 15Reserves/Production Ratios 16 Areas and Aggregates 16 The World Top 10 Producers Ranked by Reserves/Production Ratio 17 Countries 18 Consumption 20 Areas and Aggregates 20 The World Top 10 Consumers 21 Countries 22 Per Capita Consumption 25 Areas and Aggregates 25 The World Top 10 Consumers Ranked by Per Capita Consumption 26 Countries 27Production/Consumption Ratios 30 Areas and Aggregates 30 The World Top 10 Producers Ranked by Production/Consumption Ratio 31 Countries 32Crude Future Price and Open I nterests 34Natural GasReserves 38 Areas and Aggregates 38 The World Top 10 Reserves Holders 39 Countries 40 Cluster of Companies 42Production 43 Areas and Aggregates 43 The World Top 10 Producers 44 Countries 45 Cluster of Companies 47Reserves/Production Ratios 48 Areas and Aggregates 48 The World Top 10 Producers Ranked by Reserves/Production Ratio 49 Countries 50 Consumption 52 Areas and Aggregates 52 The World Top 10 Consumers 53 Countries 54Per Capita Consumption 57 Areas and Aggregates 57 The World Top 10 Consumers Ranked by Per Capita Consumption 58 Countries 59Production/Consumption Ratios 62 Areas and Aggregates 62 The World Top 10 Producers Ranked by Production/Consumption Ratio 63 Countries 64Exports 66 The World Top 10 Exporters 66 Countries 67Oil - Pr oductionContentsI mports 69 The World Top 10 I mporters 69 Countries 70 I mports by Countr y of Or igin - Pipeline and LNG 72 I mports by Country of Origin - Pipeline 74 I mports by Country of Origin - LNG 76Traded Gas 77LNG - Liquefaction and Regasification Capacity 78 Liquefaction Capacity - Countr ies 78 Regasification Capacity - Countr ies 78 Liquefaction Capacity - Cluster of Companies 79 Regasification Capacity - Cluster of Companies 80Natural Gas Balance - I taly 81Production QualityWorld 84 Crude Production by Quality 84 Crude Production by Gravity 84 Crude Production by Sulphur Content 84 Quality and Production Volume of Main Crudes 85 Crude Production by Quality - Chart 86Europe 87 Crude Production by Quality 87 Quality and Production Volume of Main Crudes 87 Crude Production by Quality - Chart 88 Crude Production by Quality - Countries 89Russia and Central Asia 90 Crude Production by Quality 90 Quality and Production Volume of Main Crudes 90 Crude Production by Quality - Chart 91 Crude Production by Quality - Countries 92Middle East 93 Crude Production by Quality 93 Quality and Production Volume of Main Crudes 93 Crude Production by Quality - Chart 94 Crude Production by Quality - Countries 95Africa 96 Crude Production by Quality 96 Quality and Production Volume of Main Crudes 96 Crude Production by Quality - Chart 97 Crude Production by Quality - Countries 98Asia - Pacific 100 Crude Production by Quality 100 Quality and Production Volume of Main Crudes 100 Crude Production by Quality - Chart 101 Crude Production by Quality - Countries 102Americas 103 Crude Production by Quality 103 Quality and Production Volume of Main Crudes 103 Crude Production by Quality - Chart 104 Crude Production by Quality - Countries 105Distillation Yields 106 Distillates/Residues Yields Comparison among Light Crudes 106 Range of Distillates/Residues Yields within Light Crudes 106 Distillates/Residues Yields Comparison among Medium Crudes 107 Range of Distillates/Residues Yields within Medium Crudes 107 Distillates/Residues Yields Comparison among Heavy Crudes 108 Range of Distillates/Residues Yields within Heavy Crudes 108Refining I ndustryRefining Capacity 112 Areas and Aggregates 112 Countries 114 Primary Capacity by Cluster of Companies 116Oil Product Balances 117 Gasoline and Middle Distillates Balance in the Wor ld 117 Areas and Aggregates 118 Countries 122VII ntr oductionEur ope: Albania, Austr ia, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgar ia, Cr oatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmar k, Estonia, Finland, Fr ance, Ger many, Gibr altar , Gr eece, Hungary, I celand, I r eland, I taly, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembour g, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegr o, Nether lands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Ser bia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzer land, Tur key, Ukr aine and United Kingdom.Russia and Centr al Asia: Russia, Ar menia, Azer baijan, Geor gia, Kazakhstan, Kyr gyzstan, Tajikistan, Tur kmenistan and Uzbekistan. Middle East: Bahr ain, I r an, I r aq, I sr ael, Jor dan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar , Saudi Ar abia, Syr ia, United Ar ab Emir ates and Yemen.Africa: Alger ia, Angola, Benin, Camer oon, Chad, Congo, Cte dI voir e, Dem. Rep. Congo, Egypt, Equator ial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Libya, Madagascar , Maur itania
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