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www.kaobo100.comwww.kaobo100.com中国考博辅导首选学校中国考博辅导首选学校北京工业大学考博英语真题词汇复习方法之通过北京工业大学考博英语真题词汇复习方法之通过阅读学词汇阅读学词汇Unit SevenOn AmbitionIf ambition is to be well regarded, the rewards ofambition-wealth, distinction, control over ones destiny-must bedeemed worthy of the sacrifices made on ambitions behalf. If thetradition of ambition is to have vitality, it must be widely shared:and it especially must be highly regarded by people who are themselvesadmired, the educated not least among them. In an odd way, however,it is the educated who have claimed to have given up on ambition asan ideal. What is odd is that they have perhaps most benefited fromambition-if not always their own than that of their parents andgrandparents. There is a heavy note of hypocrisy in this , a case ofclosing the barn door after the horses have escaped-with the educatedthemselves riding on them. Certainly people do not seem lessinterested in success and its signs not than formerly. Summer homes,European travel, BMWs- the locations, place manes and name brandsmay change, but such items do not seem less in demand today than adecade or two years ago. What has happened is that people cannotconfess fully to their dreams, as easily nad openly as once they could,lest they be thought pushing, acquisitive and vulgar. Instead, we aretreated to fine hypocritical spectacles, which now more than ever seemin ample supply: the critic of American materialism with a Southamptonsummer home; the publisher of radical books who takes his meals inwww.kaobo100.comwww.kaobo100.com中国考博辅导首选学校中国考博辅导首选学校three-star restaurants; the journalist advocating participatorydemocracy in all phases of life, whose own children are enrolled inprivate schools. For such people and many more perhaps not soexceptional, the proper formulation is, “Succeed at all costs butavoid appearing ambitious.“Xu yao quan guo ge da yuan xiao kao bo yingyu zhen ti shi juan qing jia qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi ,huoer ba jiu ling ling liu si san wu yi .ye ke yi bo da quan guo mianfei zi xun dian hua :si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiu qi ba xiang shoukao bo fu dao ti yan.The attasks in ambition are many and come from varions angles;its public defenders are few and unimpressive, where they are notextremely unattractive. As a result, the support for ambition as ahealthy impulse, a quality to be admired and fixed in the mind of theyoung, is probably lower than it has ever been in the United States.This does not mean that ambition is at an end, that people no longerfeel its stirrings and promptings, but only that, no longer openlyhonored, it is less openly professed. Consequences follow from this,of course, some of which are that ambition is driven underground, ormade sly. Such, then, is the way things stand: on the left angrycritics, on the right stupid supporters, and in the middle, as usual,the majority of earnest people trying to get on in life.destiny n. 1.命运 2.定数,天命destined a. 1.命中注定,预定的 2.以.为目的地的deem vt. 认为,视为www.kaobo100.comwww.kaobo100.com中国考博辅导首选学校中国考博辅导首选学校hypocrisy n. 伪善,虚伪location n. 1.位置,场所 2.外景拍摄地locality n. 地区,地点situated a. 位于.的,坐落在.的spectacle n. 1.演出,场面 2.景象,壮观 3.-s眼镜ample a. 1.足够的 2.宽敞的,面积大的amplify vt. 1.放大,增强 2.扩大,详述exceptional a. 1.优越的,杰出的 2.例外的,独特的联想词abnormal a. 反常的,异常的queer a. 1.奇怪的,异常的 2.不舒服的,眩晕的ambitious a. 1.有抱负的,雄心勃勃的 2.有野心的联想词aspiration n. 强烈的愿望,志向,抱负enroll vi.(in,on) 入学,加入 vt.招收,吸收联想词expel (expelled;expelling) vt. 1.把.除名,把.开除 2.驱逐 3.排出formulate vt. 1.构想出,规划 2.系统地阐述formulation n. 1.公式化 2.系统的阐述 3.规划,构想impulse n. 1.冲动,一时的念头 2.驱动,驱使 3.脉冲联想词propel (propelled,propelling) vt. 1.推进,推动 2.激励,驱使curb vt. 控制,约束 n. 控制,约束www.kaobo100.comwww.kaobo100.com中国考博辅导首选学校中国考博辅导首选学校sly a. 1.狡猾的,狡诈的 2.会意的,会心的联想词shrewd a. 机灵的,敏锐的,精明的confidential a. 1.秘密的,机密的 2.表示信任的Unit EightThe Advantages and Disadvantages of CarsThe use of the motor is becoming more and more widespread in thetwentieth century; as an increasing number of countries develop bothtechnically and economically, so a larger proportion of the worldspopulation is able to buy and use a car. Possessing a car gives a muchgreater degree of mobility, enabling the driver to move around freely.The owner of a car is no longer forced to rely on public transportand is, therefore, not compelled to work locally. He can choose fromdifferent jobs and probably changes his work more frequently as heis not restricted to a choice within a small radius. Traveling to workby car is also more comfortable than having to use public transport;the driver can adjust the heating in winter and the air-conditioningin the summer to suit his own needs and preference. There is noirritation caused by waiting for trains, buses or underground trains,standing in long patient queues, or sitting on windy platforms, foras long as half an hour sometimes. With the building of good, fastmotorways long distances can be covered rapidly and pleasantly. Forthe first time in this century also, many people are now able to enjoytheir leisure time to the full by making tri
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