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SAFER, SMARTER, GREENEROIL AND GAS FORECAST TO 2050Energy Transition Outlook 2017?Increased dialogue and collaboration is required to drive the energy transitionThe worlds energy system is going through a transition. Over the ? ?DNV GLs Energy Transition Outlook seeks to understand the ? ? ? ? ? ?!“#“? sources and throughout the energy value chain will continue to ?$?%? ,? /?(2?%$).?)/? ?5?“?%?9:;?C? ? 234?567893?3:5;K? 9A75?474;:? 6997?7?2?87? 24=37?87? 24=3747HF?H:9?i:iA?F47AHi$? ? ? ?0?(? ? ? energy sources and strongly seasonal energy ? The transition towards renewable energy sources calls ?(? ?$?*? ?#+*? )+*? ? ?!“#“? ? _? ?-R? ?WUR? ? ?!)?U?%? ?-R?“$? ?WUR?j? $?“$?. typical (unit) storage capacities of different network-scale storage technologies and their typical time-shift (fig 24)Units: Kilowatt hours (values are not in scale)storage capacity100110 0001 000 000100 000 00010 000 000 000hourdayweekmonthyeardecadereal timeintra-dayintra-weekseasonalstrategictime shiftBatteryCompressed air energy storagePumped hydro energy storagePower-to-gas with underground gas storageJO? ?XW)?$? ? ? ?$?-? ? XZ!?)?!“(?!?“(? ?“(?-? most commonly used. ? $?0?Z?-? ?Z-? ?+)*? Z?)*? ?(?!+*? ?!+*?*? ?$?Z-? ? ? _? ?“?)”!?)?XW)?“? ?!“)?Z-? $? ?0? ? ?XW)? The data available on methane is less robust than ?XZ!? ? ? ? XW)?-W-? ? ?(?WUR? ?W? ?( ? ?(?(? ? ? ?R? ? ?j
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