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Sino EU Workshop on Renewable Energy Application for Cooling and HeatingFebruary 2009, Hangzhou, China1Solar assisted air-conditioning of buildings 建筑物太阳能空调Alexander Morgenstern Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems Freiburg, Germany 德国Fraunhofer太阳能研究所Sino EU Workshop on Renewable Energy Application for Cooling and Heating 可再生能源制冷与供热中-欧研讨会February 18 - 19, Hangzhou 2月18-19日, 杭州Create PDF with GO2PDF for free, if you wish to remove this line, click here to buy Virtual PDF PrinterSino EU Workshop on Renewable Energy Application for Cooling and HeatingFebruary 2009, Hangzhou, China2Why solar thermally driven air-conditioning? 为什么太阳能可以驱动空调?Current situation 当前位置Create PDF with GO2PDF for free, if you wish to remove this line, click here to buy Virtual PDF PrinterSino EU Workshop on Renewable Energy Application for Cooling and HeatingFebruary 2009, Hangzhou, China3Why solar thermally driven air-conditioning? 为什么太阳能可以驱动空调In many regions the peak electricity de-mand is caused by air- conditioning在许多地区,空调用电造 成了电力需求高峰At the same time, high solar energy gains are usable同时,获得的太阳能可加 以利用Create PDF with GO2PDF for free, if you wish to remove this line, click here to buy Virtual PDF PrinterSino EU Workshop on Renewable Energy Application for Cooling and HeatingFebruary 2009, Hangzhou, China4Reasons for solar thermally driven air-conditioning 选择太阳能驱动空调的原因?Solar energy use during the entire year?太阳能可全年利用 ?Particularly favourable for regions with higher solar gains?获得太阳能的特别有利地区 ?Logical supplement to combi- systems for heating and hot water preparation?供热和热水联合系统的合理补充 ?Reductions in peak electricity power demand?降低电力峰值需求 ?Savings in primary energy consumption?节约一次能源Create PDF with GO2PDF for free, if you wish to remove this line, click here to buy Virtual PDF PrinterSino EU Workshop on Renewable Energy Application for Cooling and HeatingFebruary 2009, Hangzhou, China5Solar air-conditioning 太阳能空调thermal driven cooling Process 热驱动制冷过程solar heat 太阳热量chilled Water 冷却水conditioned Air 空调Create PDF with GO2PDF for free, if you wish to remove this line, click here to buy Virtual PDF PrinterSino EU Workshop on Renewable Energy Application for Cooling and HeatingFebruary 2009, Hangzhou, China6Closed cycles: distribution medium chilled water 闭路循环:分布介质冷却水Heat 热 60 - 100CThermally driven Chiller 热量驱动冷却器Chilled Water冷却水Ventilation 通风Conditioned Area空调区域Chilled ceiling 冷天花板Supply air 供气Fan coil风机盘管18C16C - 18C ( 100 kW; few products 100kW;极少产品 60C - high potential COP -潜在的高COPsolid sorbents- systems using sorption rotors from several manufacturers 固体吸附剂in broad range of sizes -采用吸附转子的系统,由几家制造商供货,尺寸范围较广 - lithiumchloride or silica gel -锂或硅胶 - configurations for different climatic conditions -构造或不同的气候条件 - Tdrive 60C - COP 0.5 . 0.8Create PDF with GO2PDF for free, if you wish to remove this line, click here to buy Virtual PDF PrinterSino EU Workshop on Renewable Energy Application for Cooling and HeatingFebruary 2009, Hangzhou, China15Open cycles: Solid desiccant system scheme开路循环:固体干燥剂系统设计(standard configuration) (标准构造)Humidifier增湿器cooling Loads 冷却负荷Supply供给backup Heater备用加热器Return返回desiccant rotor 干燥剂转子heat recovery 热回收Exhaust 排气Ambient 环境Create PDF with GO2PDF for free, if you wish to remove this line, click here to buy Virtual PDF PrinterSino EU Workshop on Renewable Energy Application for Cooling and HeatingFebruary 2009, Hangzhou, China16?liquid sorption inte-grated in indirect evaporative cooling sytems Germany: Menerga?间接蒸发冷却系统的液体吸附集成?德国: Menerga?driving temperature:60-90?驱动温度:60-90?high density energy storage, decoupling of cooling and regene- ration?高密度贮能,解耦的冷却和再生?pilot plants in operation?运行中的示范工厂Open cycle: Liquid desiccant system scheme 开路循环:液体干燥剂系统设计diluted Solution稀释液concentrated Solution浓缩液regeneration air再生气体QHdriving heat驱热QMrejected heat散热Regenerator 再生器Absorber 吸收器Ambient air环境空气solution storage 液体贮存LiCl/water 氯化锂/水Create PDF with GO2PDF for free, if you wish to remove this line, click here to buy Virtual PDF PrinterSino EU Workshop on Renewable Energy Application for Cooling and HeatingFebruary 2009, Hangzhou, China17?Desiccant AHU with rotorDessicant AHU with liquid desiccant?带转子的AHU干燥剂系统带液体干燥剂的AHU干燥剂系统Open cycle: Desiccant systems开路循环:干燥剂系统Create PDF with GO2PDF for free, if you wish to remove this line, click here to buy Virtual PDF PrinterSino EU Workshop on Renewable Energy Application for Cooling and HeatingFebruary 2009, Hangzhou, China18Status of solar air-conditioning in Europe 太阳能空调在欧洲的应用情况137836241233116 ArmeniaAustriaChinaFranceGermany GreeceIsralItalyKosovo NetherlandsPortugalSpainTurkeySources: IEA SHC Task 38; W. Sparber - EURAC?More than 100 installed plants in Europe, estimated about 150 units?有超过100个安装在欧洲工厂,估计超过 150个单位?Cooling power about 8 MW?冷却功率约8MW?Collector area about 22000 m?集热器面积约22000m2?Technology技术: 69.2 % absorption 吸收 9.6 % adsorption吸附 21.2 % desiccant cooling干燥剂冷却?Applications for air-conditioning only (no refrigeration)?仅应用于空调(不用于冷藏)Germany 德国Spain
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