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基于基于 Android 手机的音视频监控软件的手机的音视频监控软件的设计与实现设计与实现学 院计算机学院专 业计算机科学与技术(物联网工程)1摘要摘要社会在发展,科技在发展,安全防范工作已经不仅仅是人类的工作。人类利用自己的聪明才智创造出各种协助安全防范工作的物品。其中,视频监控系统已是安防工作里不可缺少的一部分。现在,社会治安形势依然严峻,随处可见监控器的身影,如马路、学校等公共场所。然而,有些场合如私家车内,住宅内没有安装监控,而有时候又需要监控,此时,我们可以利用安卓手机来达到目的。如今安卓系统的手机越来越普遍且价格越来越低,在 WiFi 联网的条件下,可以在安卓手机上设计并实现简单的音视频软件监控软件,从而达到监控的目的。本次毕业设计是基于安卓手机的音视频监控软件的设计和实现。软件实现的主要功能包括:采用安卓多媒体技术实现语音及图像录制功能,语音及图像播放功能,播放控制拥有播放、暂停、快进、快退,可设计成定时录制功能,屏幕大小可以缩放,拖动进度条可以显示当前播放的时间和最大播放时间,最后利用 UDP/IP 编程实现对音频以及图像传输。本软件设计在安卓平台上进行的。操作系统、用户界面、应用程序是安卓系统的主要组成部分,其具备一些优良的特点即应用程序无界限、应用程序平等、开放性以及应用程序开发快速方便。安卓开发基于 java 技术,而 Java 语言为一种全功能平台编程语言,如今深受大家欢迎。安卓开发环境以 Android SDK 和 Eclipse 为核心。现在最流行的安卓开发模式是以 java 上主流的开发工具 Eclipse 作为基础通过集成 ADT 插件,来更好的支持安卓程序开发和调试工作。关键词关键词:音视频监控软件;安卓;java2AbstractThe society is developing, the science and technology is developing,work safety are much more than human.People use their wisdom to create the items of various kinds of assist security work. Among them, the video monitoring system has become an indispensable part of security work.Now, the social security situation is still grim, everywhere the figure of the monitor, such as the road, school and other public places.However, there are some occasions such as private car, the house is not installed to monitor, and sometimes need to monitor, at this point, we can use the android mobile phone to achieve a goal.Now Android mobile phones more and more popular and more and more low price, under the condition of WiFi network, can be designed and implemented on the android mobile phone simple audio and video software monitoring software, so as to achieve the purpose of monitoring.This graduation design is based on the android mobile phone audio and video monitoring software design and implementation. Software implementation of main functions include: voice and image recording function is realized by using the android multimedia technology, voice and image display functions,Playback control with play, pause, fast forward, rewind, design a timer recording function, the screen size can zoom, drag the progress can display the current playback time and maximum playing time. Finally, the UDP / IP programming voice and image transmission.The software design in the android platform. The android system is mainly composed of the operating system, user interface and applications. Its openness, equality of application, the application without boundaries, the characteristics of quick and convenient application development.Android development based on Java technology, and the Java language a fully functional platform programming language and popular with people . The Android development environment with the Android SDK and Eclipse as the core.Now the most popular android development mode is based on the Eclipse development tools as Java on the mainstream by integrating the ADT plugin, to better support the android program development and debugging.3Keywords: audio and video monitoring software;android;Java目 录1 绪论.11.1 开发背景及目的 .11.2 开发工具简介 .21.3 相关技术知识 .21.3.1 开发语言.21.3.2 开发数据库.31.3.3 视频播放技术.31.3.4 视频录制技术.41.3.5 UDP/IP 协议.41.4 可行性分析 .51.4.1 技术可行性.51.4.2 经济可行性.51.4.3 操作可行性.62 需求分析.72.1 开发背景需求分析 .72.2 功能需求分析 .82.3 技术性能需求分析 .83 概要设计.
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