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LANZHOU UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY毕业设计题 目 基于Android的便携式健康监测系统Android系统开发 学生姓名 黄亮 学 号 11250309 专业班级 通信 2011 级 3 班 指导教师 蔺莹 学 院 计算机与通信 答辩日期 2015 年 6 月 16 日基于 Android 的便携式健康监测系统Android 系统开发Portable health monitoring system based on Android platform -Development on Android system黄亮11250309 Huang Liang摘要摘要随着移动互联网的迅速发展,利用便携终端监测人体健康状态成为一种愈发可行的医疗手段。本设计针对此问题提出了一套切实可行的设计方案,设计中首先通过脉搏传感器采集到人体的脉搏信号,然后借由蓝牙以无线形式发送给 Android 终端,同时在 Android 下提取蓝牙信号,以及实现数据的读取与存储,并以接收到的数据实时绘制波形,最终通过对波形的处理分析可得出测试者当前的心率,并对测试者当前的健康状态作出简单的评测和建议。本设计的数据来源为光电脉搏传感器,是通过透光性检测血液浓度变化并以光强度的变化引起的电压变化作为数据传出;此数据经蓝牙开发板处理为数字信号,并由蓝牙形式不断广播;在 Android 下开发的应用通过开启设备的蓝牙功能搜索到广播的蓝牙信号,通过协议建立连接并获取数据服务,实时接收采集的脉搏信号;应用对采集的数据进行算法处理,存入文本文件,并在图表中给出实时的波形图;通过分析此波形,应用可计算出测试者当前的心率,并由心率对测试者的健康状况作初步的判断。其他功能诸如注册功能,静态显示等也可通过在应用中添加相应代码实现,目的是通过保证数据的准确性和添加必要的功能,丰富并完善应用,使之可以广泛使用。关键词:关键词:脉搏;蓝牙;Android;波形;健康AbstractAlong with rapid development of Mobile Internet,monitoring the health status by portable terminal, becomes a more feasible choice of medical treatment.This design put foward an available scheme aimed at the problem.In the design,first of all,collecting human pulse signal by pulse sensor , then send it to the android terminal by bluetooth as wireless form,extract the signal from bluetooth on Android system, realizes the data read and data store, and then draw the real-time waveform according to received data, the current heart rate could be obtained through the handling of waveform analysis and testing, finally we learn on the current health status of the tester and make a simple review and advice.The datas for the design collected by photoelectric pulse sensor, the pluse sensor works by the transmission of light,to detect the change of blood concentration with the change of light intensity, result in voltage changing. The data converted to the digital signal on the bluetooth development board,and broadcast constantly .The application on the android could start bluetooth of the equipment and gained the broadcasting bluetooth signal, then established a connection and access to data services, received the pulse signal in real-time state. The data would be processed by algorithm in application, saved in the text file, and real-time waveform is given in the chart on the view of screen.Aanalyzing the wave form, the application could calculate the current heart rate of tester, and then application could show the the healthy condition of the tester according to the heart rate . Other functions such as registration, and static display can be achieved by adding the corresponding code in the application,such approach ensure the accuracy of the data and add the necessary function, enrich and perfect the application, make it can be widely used.Key words:pluse;bluetooth;Android;waveform;health目录目录第一章 绪论.11.1 移动医疗的背景.11.2 设计的意义与目的.21.3 设计的内容和功能实现.21.4 设计的可行方案.31.4.1 Matlab+压电传感器.31.4.2 Android 应用+光电传感器.3第二章 硬件设计.42.1 Android 硬件平台.42.1.1 模拟器 Genymotion.42.1.2 智能手机.62.2 蓝牙开发平台.82.2.1 蓝牙 4.0 BLE 简介.82.2.2 开发板 CC254x.82.3 心率传感器.92.3.1 压电传感器.92.3.2 光电传感器.10第三章 软件设计.
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