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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料新托福综合写作作文TPO3:勃朗特-智课教育旗下智课教育新托福综合写作作文TPO3:勃朗特 阅读材料: Rembrandt is the most famous of the seventeenth-century Dutch painters. However, there are doubts whether some paintings attributed to Rembrandt were actually painted by him. One such painting is known as attributed to Rembrandt because of its style, and indeed the representation of the womans face is very much like that of portraits known to be by Rembrandt. But there are problems with the painting that suggest it could not be a work by Rembrandt. 伦勃朗是十七世纪荷兰最富盛名的画家。然后,对于有些画作是否 确实出自他手却是颇有争议的。有一副有争议的画归于伦勃朗名下是因 为其风格属于伦勃朗,同时画上女子的面庞也同伦勃朗其他画作中的人 物非常类似的。然而,这幅画中存在的一些问题却表明这幅画不是伦勃 朗的作品。First, there is something inconsistent about the way the woman in the portrait is dressed. She is wearing a white linen cap of a kind that only servants would wear-yet the coat she is wearing has a luxurious fur collar that no servant could afford. Rembrandt, who was known for his attention to the details of his subjects clothing, would not have been guilty of such an inconsistency. 首先,这幅画上的一个问题就是画中女子的衣着有些不协调。她带 着一个白色的亚麻帽子,这是一种仆人才会戴的帽子。但是穿的衣服却 有一个奢华的皮草领子,这样的衣服是仆人阶层所不能承受的。以关注 作品服饰细节著称的伦勃朗是不会在作品中发这样的错误的。 Second, Rembrandt was a master of painting light and shadow, but in this painting these elements do not fit together. The face appears to be illuminated by light reflected onto it frombelow. But below the face is the dark fur collar, which would absorb light rather than reflect it. So the face should appear partially in shadow-which is not how it appears. Rembrandt would never have made such an error. 第二,伦勃朗是光影大师,但是在这幅作品中光影却是不协调的。 人物的面庞被来自下面的光照亮了,但是面部下面却是深色的皮草领子 。这个深色的皮草领子应该是吸光而不是反光的,所以面部应该呈现的 是半明半暗的状态,而不是全部都是亮的。伦勃朗是绝不会犯这样的错 误的。 Finally, examination of the back of the painting reveals that it was painted on a panel made of several pieces of wood glued together. Although Rembrandt often painted on wood panels, no painting known to be by Rembrandt uses a panel glued together in this way from several pieces of wood. 最后,对于画作背侧的检查发现这幅画的木板是有几块木头粘在一 起的。尽管伦勃朗常常会在木板上作画,但是尚未发现伦勃朗使用几块 拼接的木板作画。 For these reason the painting was removed from the official catalog of Rembrandts paintings in the 1930s.因为上述原因,这幅画在1930年代从伦勃朗的官方画作目录中移除 了。 阅读部分需要提取的观点是: Main point: The painting is not a work by Rembrandt. Sub point 1: There is something inconsistent about the way the woman in the portrait is dressed. Sub point 2: Light and shadow do not fit together. Sub point 3: Panel made of several pieces of wood glued together which is never done by Rembrandt. 观点抽出方法: 这篇文章的阅读部分可以说是非常和谐的,无论是main point还是sub points都是非常清晰明了的。但是需要注意的是这篇文章段内展开是需要仔细看的。很多的时候 大家都认为只要知道point就够了,其他的就听就行了。但是,三分钟 的时间我们真的足够可以把这篇文章仔细看完,甚至做好笔记。如果你 听力足够好,不看可以,但是什么样才是足够好呢?听力部分TPO满分 算吗?答:不算。听力部分是泛听,还有题目和套路去辅助你。但是综 合写作部分就没有这么好,这么慢的速度,这么短的文章,怎么可能听 个大概就放过你们呢? 如果阅读部分的展开是基于事实的,那么一定一定要认真看,对于 我们听力部分有很好的促进作用。事实是不能被反驳的,有黑色的领子 是不会变的,光影不协调是不会变的,拼接木版是不会变的。那么在听 力部分只能是基于这些事实进行explanation。这样,谈的话题都会是 离不开阅读部分的细节的。不看的话就以为这你要在听力的时候记相当 多的内容。 听力部分有人问要不要记笔记。如果你是个正常人,不是超长的, 那么就要记。因为不是听个大概就可以了,要有细节和reasoning,正 常人是记不住的。 很奇怪吗?lecture部分也有reasoning?当然,你要反驳一个观点, 没有推理怎么可以?不是你堆砌听到内容就可以了,写出的文章要经得 起问why。在听力部分,我们可以猜到的是这幅画还是伦勃朗的画作。但是pa ssage部分的理由都是基于事实且非常充分。看来,无论怎样,这些细 节都是lecture部分绕不过去滴。 Everything you just read about “Portrait of an Elderly Woman in a White Bonnet” is true, and yet after a thorough re-examination of the painting, a panel of experts has recently concluded that its indeed a work by Rembrandt. Here is why. 刚才你读到的关于“戴白帽的老妪”的说法都是真的。但是经过专 家小组对这幅画彻底的检查,最近确定这幅画确实是伦勃朗的作品。原 因如下: First, the fur collar. X-rays and analysis of the pigments in the paint have shown that the fur collar wasnt part of the original painting. The fur collar was painted over the top of the originalpainting about a hundred years after the painting was made. Why? Someone probably wanted to increase the value of the painting by making it look like a formal portrait of an aristocratic lady. 首先是皮草领子。专家小组用X光检查并分析了画上的颜料,发现 这个皮草领子不是原画作的组成部分。这个皮草领子是在成画后一百年 之后直接画在原画上面的。这么做的目的是什么呢?可能是有人想让这 幅画看起来像是一个贵族女子的正式画像,以为这样可以提高画的价值 。 Second, the supposed error with light and shadow. Once the paint of the added fur color was removed, the original painting could be seen. In the original painting, the woman is wearing a simple collar of light-colored cloth. The light-colored cloth of this collar reflects light that illuminated part of the womans face. Thats why the face is not in partial shadow. So in the original painting, light and shadow are very realistic and just what we could expect from Rembrandt.第二,所谓的光影问题。只要把这个后加上来的皮草领子移除,我 们就能看到原画。在原画上,这个女人穿的是一个有这单领的浅色袍子 。这个带领子的浅色袍子能够把光反射到女人的脸上。这是为什么这个 女人的脸上没有呈现出半明半暗的状态。所以呢,原画上的光影是具备 伦勃朗应该具有的写实风格的。 Finally, the wood panel. It turns out that when the fur collar was added, the wood panel was also enlarged with extra wood pieces glued to the sides and the top to make the painting more grand and more valuable. So the original painting is actually painted on a single piece of wood, as would be expected from a Rembrandt painting. And in fact, researchers have found that
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