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本科毕业论文题目题目:基于 android 的网购防沉迷系统学学 院院: :计算机科学与技术学院专专 业业: :软件工程学学 号号: :200913138033学生姓名学生姓名: :陈昭蓉指导教师指导教师: :柯 鹏日日 期期: :二一三年六月摘 要随着电子商务的发展,人们越来越喜欢在网上购物,越来越喜欢享受这一简单便利的购物方式。而且跟随着电商产业的不断发展,用户们很容易沉溺于这一购物方式。人们希望能有一款应用,可以更加直观的监控和提醒自己的支出状况,并且能够根据自己的经济状况相应的设置购物金额上线的提醒软件。目前市面上的网银监控类软件出现的并不多,基于 android 平台的就更少。已经出现的网银监控类软件功能要太复杂,要么是不智能,需要用户人工添加购物信息,而不能自动监控。本文正是在总结了上述不足之后,经过详细论证设计了基于 android 的网购防沉迷软件,软件将监控购物时网银发送的通知短信,从中提取金额并进行累计,达到上限之后进行文字和声音的提醒。通过开发这样一款基于 android 的网购防沉迷系统软件可以很好的实现提醒用户不要沉溺于网银的需求,在享受高科技带来的方便的同时还可以将自己的财务状况牢牢握在手心。关键词: Android; 消息提醒; 短信监控; 网银;网购;AbstractWith the development of electronic commerce, more and more people prefer online shopping, more and like to enjoy this simple and convenient way of shopping. And followed the electricity supplier industry continues to evolve, users can easily indulge in this shop. People want to have an app that can monitor more intuitive and remind yourself spending situation, and according to their own economic situation corresponding to the amount of on-line shopping set reminder software.Currently available monitoring software category appear online banking is not much, and even less on android platform. Has appeared online banking software functionality to monitor class too complicated, or is not intelligent, requiring users to manually add shopping information, but does not automatically monitored.This article is summed up in the above-mentioned deficiencies, and after detailed feasibility studies designed android based online shopping anti-addiction software, the software will monitor when shopping online banking to send notification messages to extract money and make accumulated limit is reached after the text and sound reminders . By developing such a android based online shopping fatigue system software can achieve very good to remind users not to indulge in online banking needs, while enjoying the convenience of high technology also can be your own financial position firmly in her hand.Key words: Android; message reminding; SMS monitoring; online banking; online shopping; 目 录绪论.11 概述.21.1 国内研究现状.21.2 国外研究现状.21.3 组织架构.31.4 创新亮点.32 基于 android 的个人健康助理软件开发技术.42.1 Android 平台介绍.42.2 Webservice 开发介绍 .42.3 网络爬虫技术介绍.52.4 云存储技术介绍.52.5 android 2.3 开发环境搭建.63 基于 android 的个人健康助理软件需求分析.73.1 特性分析.73.2 功能需求分析.73.3 系统角色需求分析.84 基于 android 的个人健康助理软件的设计.94.1 软件体系结构设计.94.2 软件功能结构图.94.4 系统模块设计.104.5 系统数据库设计.134.5.1 数据表结构设计.134.5.2 数据库的完整性和安全性.155 基于 android 的个人健康助理软件的实现.165.1 服务端消息推送的实现.165.1.1 天气提醒的实现机理.
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