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| 1 DIGITIZATION AND THE MARKET EXPANSION SERVICES INDUSTRY: DRIVING OMNICHANNEL GROWTH 2 | 3 DIGITIZATION AND THE MARKET EXPANSION SERVICES INDUSTRY: DRIVING OMNICHANNEL GROWTH 234Global MES market (USD tn)Global growth driven by201820133.82.77.4%* 6.4%Growth driven by change in MES penetrationGrowth driven by change in consumption1.0%4 |1Di gi ti zati on i s enhanci ng tradi ti onal busi ness model s but not changi ng the basi c busi ness l ogi c Digitization as a megatrend is impacting all areas of corporate business models. Companies are adapting their strategies and business models to cope with challenges and opportunities arising from the digital age. While growth in digital commerce has shown tremendous growth figures in recent years, global penetration is still below 5% of total sales.Three trends are dri vi ng di gi ti zati on Three key trends are driving digitization and are likely to have an immediate effect. Mobile commerce, business intelligence and smart infrastructures are the key topics that have a significant short- to mid-term impact on companies and customers, and on ways of doing business.Di gi ti zati on i s reshapi ng customer i nteracti on and busi ness transacti ons Digitization is reshaping the ways in which customer interaction is handled and is opening new paths for marketing and customer influence. Social media strategies, digital marketing and big data analysis are tools for fostering customer-company relationships. With new technology, the sales process is being redesigned and new channels for sales are becoming available. STUDY HIGHLIGHTSCreating value in all channelsConti nuous growth i n the gl obal market expansi on servi ces i ndustry wi th Asi a Paci fi c as the bi ggest market The high growth dynamics for the global market for market expansion services have been confirmed with an annual growth rate of 7.4% through 2018. The MES market therefore remains one of the most promising sectors in the outsourcing industry. Ongoing growth of the middle classes, intra-regional trade in Asia, Africa and South America, as well as the increasing trend towards outsourcing, are fueling the demand for market expansion services. * 7.8% annual growth expectedfor Asia (CAGR 20132018)Figure I: Global consumption market versus global MES market (CAGR 20132018) Sources: Euromonitor, Espicom Business Intelligence, Global Industry Analysts, SRI, UNCTADstat, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants analysis| 5 Cl i ents and customers are at di fferent stages i n thei r di gi tal journey Clients and customers pursue different strategies reflecting their stage of digital readiness and objectives. International and digitally advanced players (multi-digital natives) sharply focus on improving their customer relationships, while local and digital beginners (small-town laggards) expect to boost growth through digitization. Local and advanced digital companies (local e-heroes) want to make existing digital operations more efficient, whereas international digital beginners (global old schoolers) are increasingly considering digitization as a means for improving both their sales and customer relationships in order to remain globally competitive.57As compani es often l ack the key resources and capabi l i ti es to dri ve a di gi tal strategy through omni -channel i ng, they are turni ng to qual i fi ed partners Companies pursuing a digital market expansion strategy are seeking partners that have experience and capabilities in providing superior services in digitization as well as market expansion. Partners with existing digital capabilities as well as local expertise and access to multiple sales channels and digital marketing opportunities are in demand.MES provi ders succeed wi th comprehensi ve set of servi ces MES providers are the preferred choice for companies, as they are well positioned to provide their clients with the best mix of market expansion and digital transformation services. While digital specialists only serve specific steps of value creation, MES providers offer an integrated approach to supporting companies along the entire value chain.MES provi ders are combi ni ng the best of the ol d and new worl d Cross-regional MES providers are in an optimal position to drive omni-channel market expansion. Due to their local presence, expertise and know-how, they are able to offer their clients superior services along the entire value chain and combine both online and offline services for market expansion and market development. 687Figure II: Rating of competence along transaction and interaction processesPhysicalchannelsDigitalchannelsMESprovi dersCustomers/experts/shoppers/consumersClients1. Sell and di stri bute3. Inform and i nfluence2. Buy and pay4. Respond and refer6 | 7 CONTENTSCONTENTSA. The gl obal market expansi on servi ces i ndustry an i ndustry on the ri seMarket expansion services outsourcing on a new levelMarket expans
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