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中央研究院員工暨眷屬繳付勞保保險費/全民健保保險費證明單Labor Insurance/NHI Premium Payment Certificate for Employees and Dependents in Academia Sinica 年(1 月至 12 月)Year_ (January to December)單位 Unit: 姓名 Name: 職稱 Job Title: 身份證號 /統一證號 ID No.:勞保證號 Labor Insurance ID No.: 勞保月投保薪資 Labor Insurance Insured Monthly Salary: 繳付勞保費 Labor Insurance Premium Payment: 健保代號 NHI Number: 健保月投保金額NHI Monthly Insured Amount: 繳付健保費NHI Premium Payment: 眷屬姓名稱謂身分證號 /統一證號繳付健保保費合計Name of Dependent Kinship Term ID No.NHI Payment Total眷屬總計Total of Dependents最新規定: 健保費支出自年度起,可以全額扣除, 不受每人每年,元保險費列舉扣額上限之限制。New Regulation: Taxpayers who utilize Itemized Deduction to declare their Income Tax can claim back their premiums paid for the NHI program and be exempted from the Itemized Deduction limitation of NTD 24,000 annual premiums since 2006.中 央 研 究院 Academia Sinica中 華 民 國年月日Date:
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