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摘摘 要要无线通信的终极目标是提供广泛的个人和多媒体通信。无线通信新业务的不断增长,使得无线频谱资源日益匮乏,为了满足未来移动通信系统大容量、高速率的需求,提高频谱利用率,学术界提出了多天线发送和多天线接收的多输人多输出(MIMO)系统的概念.理论研究表明,MIMO系统可以大幅度提高信道的容量。要实现一个MIMO系统,优良的接收技术是非常必要的,所用到的参数远多于传统单输人单输出(SISO)的信道,因此接收端检测算法复杂度明显增加.单天线发送多天线接受(SIMO)是MIMO的一个特例,也是本论文所依据的通信模型。本文主要内容安排如下:第一章简要介绍了MIMO系统和天线分集接收技术,并概括了本文的研究工作。第二章简要介绍了四种接收机分集技术,并重点介绍等增益合并技术(EGC)和最大比合并技术(MRC)。第三章介绍了MATLAB语言的用法。第四章通过计算机模拟得到采用不同数目的接收天线时,在接收端采用等增益合并技术(EGC)时的系统性能。第五章本文的结论。关键词:关键词:多输人多输出系统(MIMO),分集技术,等增益合并(EGC),最大比合并(MRC) 安徽理工大学电子信息专业毕业设计- 2ABSTRACTABSTRACTThe ultimate goal of future wireless communications is to provide universal perso- nal and multimedia communications. With the growing demand for new services of wir- eless communications, the wireless frequency resources are becoming infrequent. The e- mergence of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technology meets the demand of m- ultimedia applications and high speed wireless access. Researches indicate that the MIMO can improve the performance of wireless system prominently, such as system capacity, data rate, and frequency efficiency. To develop a MIMO system, brilliant technology of receiver is necessary ,MIMO channel estimation approaches are more complex than SISO channel, this leads to the complexity of the receiver.Single-input multiple-output is a specialty of MIMO. It is also the system model in my thesis.Chapter 1:overviews the MIMO system and presents a brief review of antenna diversity reception .We also narrate the architecture of this work.Chapter 2:overviews four types of antenna diversity reception, especially Equal Gain Combing(EGC) and Maximal Ratio Combing(MRC).Chapter 3:give a introduction of MATLAB language.Chapter 4:use computer to check the performance of EGC when use different numbers of antenna.Keywords: multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), antenna diversity reception, Equal Gain Combing (EGC), Maximal Ratio Combing (MRC)安徽理工大学电子信息专业毕业设计- 3目目 录录摘摘 要要.1ABSTRACT.2第一章第一章 绪绪 论论.51.1 MIMO 系统的概念及发展状况.5 1.2 实用空间分集技术简介.7 1.3 论文内容简介.9第二章第二章 接收机分集技术接收机分集技术.102.1 四种接收机分集技术简介.102.1.1 选择式合并(Selection Combing).102.1.2 开关式合并(Switched Combing).102.1.3 最大比合并(Maximal Ratio Combing).112.1.4 等增益合并(Equal Gain Combing).11 2.2 等增益合并的具体算法.11 2.3 最大比合并的具体算法.14第三章第三章 MATLAB 语言的原理简介语言的原理简介.173.1 MATLAB 语言的由来.17 3.2 MATLAB 语言与其他语言的异同.18 3.3 实现卷积码性能仿真要用到的 MATLAB 语句.19 3.4、MATLAB 的仿真工具 SIMULINK.24第四章第四章 等增益合并的计算机模拟性能等增益合并的计算机模拟性能.264.1 系统框图.26 4.2 程序设计.264.2.1 采用2根接收天线时的性能模拟.264.2.2 采用4根天线时的性能模拟.284.2.3 采用6根天线时的性能模拟.30安徽理工大学电子信息专业毕业设计- 4第五章第五章 结结 束束 语语.
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