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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料托福写作段落的扩展方法-智课教育旗下智课教育托福写作段落的扩展方法: (一)举例 1.Paragons (典型代表), such A and B respectively, come immediately to my mind. _. 2. While such cases are rare, they do occur occasionally. A case in point relates to sb in the field of _. (二)引用 1. As a saying goes, “_”, which is to say (relation). 2. According to a well-known scientist WXL (and I paraphrase), _, in other words, _. 3. _. Such of remark of sb, one of the best-known scientists. (三)数据调查 According to the statistical result of a recent survey, A and B have soared, respectively, by _ and _. In contrast, C declined at an accelerating rate, and it is also the case with D. The statistical result illustrates that _. (四)反证法With A, _. Without A, _. (五)类比对比法 similarly, by the same token (同理) in like manner, likewise in contrast on the contrary 以上就是托福写作段落的扩展方法,祝大家都能取得一个好成绩。
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