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Unit One HonestyTeaching Objective: listening , reading , writing , translation Teaching focus: reading , writing , translation Teaching difficulties: reading , translationTeaching Procedures: daily report, lead-in, listening, reading, translation, writing, homeworkStage1 Daily Report Ask the student on duty to make a daily report, encouraging him or her to speak more about honesty. While listening, the students make some notes. Then ask some students to retell what the reporter said. Stage2 Lead in Step1 Culture background The teacher would offer some background information about creativity, so as to help the students to better understand the text. Honesty refers to a series of rules or expectancy that people should follow. To be honest means we should respect the fact and behave consistently with the contexts and situations. It means that we should be rational when giving choices or making decisions Honesty and trust is not just an idea, a political or moral teaching, but a way of living. It is an issue that matters to almost everybody. Its important to be honest. But honesty is not always the best policy. Sometimes we dont want to hurt others feelings, so we have to tell white lies. Women are better liars than men, particularly when telling “a white lie”. For example, when a woman at a party tells another woman that she likes her dress when she really thinks it looks awful. Men, on the other hand, are more likely to tell more serious lies, such as making a promise which they have no intention of fulfilling at all. This is the kind of lies that politicians and businessmen are particularly skilled at. By telling such lies the liars hope to get profit.Step2 Topics for discussion 1. Get the students to go through the topics in the Lead-in of Text A on the textbook. And then they can choose any topic at will to have a discussion among their group members. 2. Show their work Let each group share their opinions with others. While listening, the listeners should take some notes, then retell and share. 3. Summarize The teacher summarizes the Ss job, making some comments. Then write down the useful words and expressions needed. Stage3 Listening Step1 Activity 1 Spot dictation1. Listen to the statements less than three times and fill in each blank with the words you hear. 2. Two Ss write their answers on the Bb. 3. Check the answers together. Listen to the tape while checking if necessary. Step 2 Activity 2 Conversations 1. Listen to the conversations carefully and fill in each of the following blanks with the word you hear. 2. Two Ss write their answers on the Bb. 3. Check the answers together. Listen to the tape while checking if necessary. Step 3 Activity3 Passage 1. Listen to the program for 3 times and then complete the table below with the information you hear. 2. Two Ss write their answers on the Bb. 3. Check the answers together. Listen to the tape while checking if necessary. Stage4 Reading Step1 pre-reading Get the students to read the new words, phrases and expressions aloud. Step2 reading comprehension 1. Have the Ss read Text A in 7 minutes and do the reading comprehension to test how they understand the text and then helps the students identify the main idea of the text. 2. Have the students read about some key sentences in groups, then show their ideas about the sentences. The teacher makes a supplement when necessary. 3. Have the students do the exercises after Text A. The teacher calls on volunteers or a few students to show their answers Step3 language points Assign different students different sentences to analyze.1Are lies or dishonesty human nature to protect our interests or ways of controlling others? (Para. 1)dishonesty 是派生词,它是由“前缀 dis-名词 honesty”组合而成的,意为“不诚 实”。前缀 dis-与形容词、副词、名词或动词结合,表示否定、相反或相对的意 思。例如: disadvantage(不利条件) ,disagreement(分歧) ,disappear(消失) , disappointment(失望) ,disbelieve(不相信) ,discomfort(不适) , disconnect(分离) ,discontent(不满足) ,discontinue(终止) ,dislike(不喜欢) , disorder(混乱) 。 interest 的复数形式是“利益,好处,利害关系”的意思。例如:He has your best interests at heart.他处处为你的利益着想。 2Why does honesty and trust matter to economic growth? (Para. 1)matter 是动词,是“关系重大,要紧”的意思,后接 to sb. / sth.或从句。例如: It is love that matters to me. 对我来说爱是重要的。 It doesnt matter to me what you do. 你做什么对我来说都无所谓。 3We will discuss these issues from psychologists view to argue that honesty and trust is a question not only for educators but also for all of us who live in a modern society (Para. 1)honesty 和 trust 被看作是一个整体,意为“诚信”,所以谓语动词用 is。句中的 issue 是名词,意为“问题”,一般是指重大的、政治性的或时事方面的问题。例 如: They are debating about a vital issue. 他们正在讨论一个重大的问题。 They raised a new political issue. 他们提出了一个新的政治问题。not only but also 是常用短语,表示“不仅而且” 。其中的 also 可 以省略。 4 Psychologically speaking, honesty and trust is socially learned and socially confirmed behavioral rule and an expectation that people have for themselves and others, of the organizations and institutions in which they live, and of t
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