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Reflecting on the final exam 期末反思Listening:Endurance- Patience- Modesty单选: 词义辨析 摸底考 23. Nowadays an advanced diploma doesnt _that one can get a better job.A. compromise B. confirmC. deserve D. guarantee 期末 My naughty son broke my favorite album. I was about to _ when my wife calmed me down. A. explodeB. erupt C. promoteD. ignoreDAThe local government provided _ for the homeless soon after the flood. A. possessions B. accommodationsC. souvenirs D. groceriesBSamuel cant help having a big nose it is _ of him to be curious about others affairs. A. unique B. constant C. considerateD. typicalD非谓: 31. _ online once makes her afraid to try e-shopping again.A. CheatedB. Having cheatedC. Being cheatedD. To be cheatedC35. Housing prices increased nationwide, _ the high cost of renting a house. A. having contributed to B. contributing to C. contributed to D. being contributed toB期中考试 I send you 100 dollars today, the rest_in a year.A. follows B. followedC. to follow D. being followedC D . 时态: -Are you busy now? -Yes, I _ my homework, and it wont take long. A. just finished B. have just finished C. was just going to finish D. am finishingDDont worry. When you arrive, I _ foryou at the exit of the airport.A. am waiting B. wait C. am going to wait D. will be waitingover, in, for, since+ 段时间27. Millions of new workers _ the field of wind power over the past three decades. A. enteredB. have enteredC. enter D. had enteredDB25. Tom should have stayed to help. Why _ he? I was short of hand, you know.A. didntB. hasnt C. hadntD. shouldntA 34. Hardly _ the stadium in a rush when the newly-elected mayor finished his speech.A. had we reached B. did we reach C. we reached D. we had reachedA 2012高二期末: If you _ into a panic at that time, youwouldnt be in hospital now. A.hadnt got B. didnt get C. werent to get D. dont get_ it rain tomorrow, we _ put off thesports meeting. Were; would B. Would; should C. Could, would D. Should, wouldA D 期中: They insisted that everyone _ an equal chance of success in the school of the future.A. had B. has C. have D. will haveC 虚拟:26. If passers-by _ a blind eye to the injured little Yueyue in Foshan, Guangdong,she _ alive now. A. didnt turn; would be B. hadnt turned; would have been C. didnt turn; would have beenD. hadnt turned; would beA *If I _ the doctors advice, I wouldnt bein such great trouble now.A. would take B. had takenC. took D. was taking *If I _ you, I wouldnt have eaten thesuch much for dinner. A.am B. were C. had been D. would be *If you had done it yesterday, you _ in such a hurry now. wouldnt be wouldnt have been were not hadnt been B C My car broke down on the road, otherwise I_ you at the airport. A. would meet B. will have met C. would have met D. could meetIf only I _ it! Look at the mess Im in. A.predicted B. had predictedC. would predicted D. predict从句: Can you see the girl over there? She is _we describe as crazy.A. who B. what C. which D. whomB 23. Some people are worried about the year 2012 _ they think the earth will endin disasters. A. where B. thatC. when D. whichC 情景交际Can you keep an eye on my bag? I need togo to the washing closet.-_. Itll be safe with me.A. Its my pleasure.B. Never mind.C. Go ahead.D. Forget it.C21. Kenneth, you shall not come to school late again. Sure, Mr. Brown. _A. You have my word. B. Why me?C. Forget it. D. It doesnt matter.CI give you my word.Upon my word.Ill keep my word/ promise.学生戴耳机问题议论文高一期末统考:人物介绍:曼德拉 高二期末统考:议论文:全球变暖 高三期末统考:?Dear Li Ping, I received your letter yesterday. Nowadays many students listen to music and learn English with earphones. As for your trouble with ears and bad memory, Im afraid you spend too much time listening with earphones. Firstly, listening to music while doing your lessons may result in less concentration on your study. Secondly, the overuse of earphones does harm to your hearing. Actually, there are many ways we can enjoymusic and learn English. For instance, a recorder or a radio may be a good choice. Besides, you should rest your ears for at least ten minutes every hour if you do needto use an earphone, but do not use it more than 2 hours a day. I hope things will get better soon. Best wishes. Lin Tao关注可数名词单复数; 时态;人称审题; 搭配;锐词书面表达基本要求(唐山一中 组长)1.基本表达完整17-18分 2. 书写工整,点要全,字数足23-24分 3.少要点减3-5分 4.书写减4、5分一定要重视:高考扫描,让人心烦期中考试 Typical of you: A: 1.Congratulation to you on your passing the exam. 2. Youve made a great progress. 3. You gave us a lot of advices. 4. Best wish to you!B: I celebrate you on your success. 2. You have got great progress in your Chinese.兰 3. We will
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