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分类号:分类号:TM272272 密密 级级: : UDC : : _学校学校代码代码: :公开公开 1012710127硕士学位论文论文题目:论文题目:速凝法制备速凝法制备FeSiAl磁粉芯及磁粉芯应用研究磁粉芯及磁粉芯应用研究 英文题目英文题目:FeSiAl magnetic powder core prepared by scrip _cast and magnetic core application 学学 位位 类类 别别 :_工学硕士工学硕士_ 研研宄宄生生姓姓名名:于海琛于海琛学号:学号: 201202230201202230 学科学科( (领域领域) )名称:名称:冶金工程冶金工程_指指 导导 教教 师师 :张张胤胤职职称称:教教授授协协助助指指导导教教师师: : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _职职称称: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2015年6月6日独创性说 明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工 作及取得研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方 外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果,也不包含为获得 内蒙古科技大学或其他教育机构的学位或证书所使用过的材料。与我一 同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中做了明确的说明并 表示了谢蠢。.签名:日期: 201弓“关于学位论文使用授权的说明本人完全了解内蒙古科技大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定, 即:研究生院有权保留送交学位论文在学校相关部门存档,允许论文在 校内被查阅和借阅,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文。在 论文作者同意的情况下,研究生院可以转授权第三方使用查阅该论文。 (保密的论文捕密后Ml此规定)签名: 潘导师签名:日期:/奶、“内蒙古科技大学硕士学位论文摘 要金属磁粉芯采用粉末冶金的方法将金属或合金软磁材料制成粉末,通过特殊的工 艺处理后得到的一种综合性能好的软磁材料。被广泛应用于电感元器件、电感滤波器、 开关电源、变压器等领域,其可在几十赫兹到数十兆赫兹的频率范围内工作。近年来随着科学水平的不断进步、功能性电子器件的高速发展,对金属磁粉芯材 料性能方面的的要求也越来越高。FeSiAl磁粉芯在众多磁粉芯中凭借其高的电阻率、 高频条件下损耗低、有效磁导率高和高的饱和磁感应强度的,同时其价格相对低廉, 被广发应用于高频条件下的电感铁芯,有着广泛的市场应用前景。本研宄采用速凝破碎工艺制备了 FeSiAl磁粉并将其制备成磁粉芯,对比了其与 铸锭破碎FeSiAl磁粉的性能,并分析了粒度配比、绝缘包覆、压制成型、热处理等 工艺因素对磁粉芯性能的影响。1、采用不同的速凝工艺得到FeSiAl薄片,研宄速凝工艺参数对速凝薄片结构的 影响。实验得出6 m/s8 m/s的辊速,2.2X 104Pa2.7X 104Pa喷包压力得到的薄片 几乎无粘带现象,片扁大,厚约为0.1 mm0.2 mm,长约3 cm7 cm,宽约2 cm。通过扫面电镜和XRD照片分析,得出辊速越高得到的FeSiAl薄片晶粒更细小均 匀。并对速凝片破碎FeSiAl磁粉和铸锭破碎FeSiAl磁粉进行了对比,结果表明速凝 破碎FeSiAl磁粉更有利于绝缘包覆,拥有更小的晶粒尺寸,饱和磁化强度高和高的 磁导率,而损耗低于铸锭破碎FeSiAl磁粉。2、实验研宄了单一粒度对FeSiAl磁粉芯磁导率和损耗的影响,得出大颗粒有利 于磁粉芯获得高的磁导率,但损耗也高;小颗粒则正好相反。为了得到高磁导率、低 损耗的磁粉芯,实验设计了 4种粒度配比方案,得出了最佳配比为:-40目+100目 占2%,-100目+200目占11%,-200目+270目占40%,-270目+325目占10%, -325目占37%。3、 绝缘包覆工艺至关重要,在不加入云母的条件下,分别加入1%,2%,3%,4% 的酚醛树脂做粘接剂,研宄了粘接剂含量对磁粉芯磁导率和损耗的影响,确定最佳添 加量。再加入0.2%,0.6%,1.0%,1.5%的云母作为绝缘剂,考察绝缘剂的作用。实 验得出,云母和粘接剂的加入很好的提高了磁粉芯的频率稳定性,降低了磁粉芯的损 耗,但也会使磁导率降低。综合考虑:当绝缘剂云母的添加量为0.6%,酚醛树脂粘 接剂的添加量为3%时,磁粉芯的综合性能最佳。I内蒙古科技大学硕士学位论文4、成型压力对磁粉芯的磁性能和力学性能有着决定性的作用,增大磁粉芯成型 时的压力就是在提高磁粉芯的压实密度,有助于提高磁导率和机械强度,在一定程度 上也能降低磁粉芯的损耗。但过大的成型压力也会带来负面的影响,恶化磁性能,损 害磨具使用寿命。实验得出1200 MPa的成型压力最宜。5、退火固化处理主要是为了释放成型时磁粉芯内部产生的大量内应力以及提高 磁粉芯的强度。实验研宄了热处理温度对磁粉芯性能的影响,随着热处理温度的升高, 磁粉芯的磁导率也随着增大,损耗降低,但当温度高过220 C时,磁导率开始降低, 且损耗急剧增加,最后得出最佳热处理温度为220 C。6、磁粉预处理能有效提高磁粉芯的磁性能,磁场热处理较普通热处理对磁粉芯 性能的提高更为显著。关键词:FeSiAl磁粉芯;速凝;磁导率;损耗II内蒙古科技大学硕士学位论文AbstractMetal powder cores are produced by powder metallurgy method, and that are soft magnetic materials though a special process to obtain good comprehensive performance. It is widely used in the field of Inductive components, inductance filter, switching powder supply, transformer, and so on. They operating frequency can apply from Hertz to Megahertz.In the new century, with the advancement of technology, the development of functional electronic devices, the metal powder core material put forward higher requirements. FeSiAl magnetic powder core has a broad market prospect is widely used in high frequency because of its high resistance, low magnetic core loss, and low price.In this study, the scrip cast was applied to prepared FeSiAl powder, and studied the influence of size ration, insulating coating, pressing, heat treatment and other process factors on the magnetic core performance.1.Using different scrip cast process to obtain FeSiAl sheet, and researching the influence of scrip cast process parameters on the scrip cast sheet structure. Experimental results using the roll speed of 6 m/s8 m/s, the pressure spray package of 2.2104 Pa 2.7x104 Pa to obtain sheet almost no adhesive tape phenomenon. The sheet about 0.1 mm 0.2 mm thickness,3 cm 7 cm long and 2 cm wide.By scanning electron microscopy and XRD photo analysis, the roll speeds higher the FeSiAl sheet grains has more fine and uniform. Comparing the FeSiAl powder core prepared by scrip cast and prepared by ingot cast. The results show the FeSiAl powder core prepared by scrip cast is more conducive to the insulating coating, has a smaller grain size, higher saturation magnetization and high permeability and lower loss.2.Experimental study the effect of single particle size on magnetic permeability and core loss. Results show that large particle is easy to obtain high permeability and loss. In order to obtain the FeSiAl magnetic powder core have high permeability and low loss, theIII内蒙古科技大学硕士学位论文optimum particle size ratio of FeSiAl magnetic powder is 2% of -40+100 mesh,11% of -100+200 mesh,40% of-200+270mesh,10% of-270+325 mesh,37% of-325 mesh.3.The insulation coating process is crucial. The result show that, to add mica and binder good is a way to improve the frequency characteristics of magnetic core, reducing the magnetic core loss, but also reduces the permeability. When mica content is 0.6%, binder content is 3.0%, the performance is best.4.Molding pressure is the basis for good magnetic powder cores and mechanical properties. and increasing the molding pressure is equivalent increased the density of magnetic core. The best compaction pressing is 12
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