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分类号:单位代码:10019 密级:学号:288234学位论文我国食用菌产业发展存在的问题及对策研究The challenging issues in the development stage of the ediblemushroom industry in our country and the study of the countermeasure.研 究生: 刘 颖 指 导 教师: 连丽霞副 教授 合 作 指 导 教 师: 刘忠和总 工程师 申 请 学 位 类 别: 农 业推广硕士 专 业 领 域 名 称: 种植业领域 研 究 方向: 农业推广 所 在 学院: 人文与发展学院 2005 年 2 月独 创 性 声 明本人声明所呈交的论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成 果。 尽我所知, 除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外, 论文中不包含其他人已经发 表或撰写过的研究成果也不包含为获得中国农业大学或其它教育机构的学位或证书 而使用过的材料与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明 确的说明并表示了谢意。研究生签名:时间:年月日关于论文使用授权的说明本人完全了解中国农业大学有关保留、 使用学位论文的规定, 即: 学校有权保留送交论文的复印件和磁盘, 允许论文被查阅和借阅, 可以采用影印、 缩印或扫描等复 制手段保存、汇编学位论文。同意中国农业大学可以用不同方式在不同媒体上发表、 传播学位论文的全部或部分内容。(保密的学位论文在解密后应遵守此协议)研究生签名:时间:年月日导师签名:时间:年月日摘要食用菌具有很高的营养价值和保健价值, 是我国农产品中具有明显竞争优势的品种。 发展食 用菌生产在农业结构调整中具有重要意义, 也是解决当今世界人类日趋紧张的食物来源的重要途 径之一。本论文通过对国内、外食用菌产业状况分析,阐明了我国食用菌产业的生产、经营、科 研 以及消费等情况。在此基础上,总结出我国食用菌产业在发展过程中存在的主要问题:我国食 用菌 的生产经营方式落后,缺乏龙头企业的带动作用,产、供、销一体化的格局尚未形成;食用 菌的科研 投入严重不足、 机制不够得力; 菌种市场混乱; 食用菌产品质量不高和流通体系不健全、 不规范;食用 菌市场的开发与开拓力度不够;我国居民食用菌的消费水平低;加入 WTO 后对我国 食用菌产业的 负面影响等。针对上述问题,根据我国国情,提出发展我国食用菌产业的构想:加 快我国食用菌龙 头企业的培育与建造的步伐;加大科技投入,提高食用菌的产品质量;加大开拓 国内、外食用菌市 场的力度;抓紧规范菌种市场;完善食用菌的科技创新、技术推广体系,加强 以科技与信息为重点 的社会服务;积极发展具有明显竞争力的珍稀菇类和药用菌生产;努力开发 出食用菌的深加工产品, 增加其附加值等。围绕发展食用菌产业的构想,提出了几点建议。本论 文意在为我国食用菌产业的 发展提出可操作性的策略。关键词:食用菌,珍稀食用菌,产业,产业化,规范化,产品质量,发展,龙头企业IAbstrac tEdible mushroom,with high nutritive value and health care value,is a kind of produce which has obvious competitive advantage over others.To develop the edible mushroom production is very meaningful in the adjustment of agriculture structure,which is also an important way of solving the problem of the increasing demand of the food supply.This article will analyse both the domestic and foreign industry conditions of the edible mushroom and then clarify the production,management,science research and consumption of the edible mushroom in our country.At last,it will point out the main problems in the course of the development of the edible mushroom industry.They are:The modes of business operation of the production of the edible mushroom in our country is still backward and there are few leading companies,moreover, the layout of integrating the production,supply and distribution is not formed;The scientific research input is serious inadequate and the mechanism is not competent;The edible mushroom species market gets into confusion;The quality of the edible is not high and the circulation system is not perfect, not standardized;The edible mushroom market is not developed and expanded extensively; The consumption level of the edible mushroom in our country is very low;What effects have been had on the edible mushroom industry of our country after entering WTO;and so on. As to the above mentioned problems, according to the condition of our country, this article puts forward an idea of developing the edible mushroom industry in our country. The idea includes: to speed up fostering and establishing the leading company engaged in edible mushroom industry; To input more science and technology to this industry, thus improving the quality of it; To make more efforts to expand both domestic and foreign edible mushroom market; To standardize the edible mushroom species market more firmly and quickly; To perfect the scientific and technological innovation and technique spread system of the edible mushroom; To strengthen the social services focusing on the science and technology and information; To develop actively the rare mushroom and medical mushroom with obvious competitive power; to make effort to develop the further processed product of the edible mushroom and increase its extra value .According to the idea of developing the edible mushroom, some proposals are put forward in this article. The aim of this article is to put forward the operable strategy about the development of the edible mushroom industry in our country.Key words:Edible mushroom, Rare edeble mushroom, Industry, Industrialize, Standardize, The quality of the product, Develop, Leading company.II目录摘要 .IABSTRACT.II 第一章绪论.11.1 研究的目的和意义 . 1 1.2 国内外食用菌的生产、经营、研究和消费概况 . 3 1.3 研究的方案、内容、方法和技术路线 . 6 第二章我国食用菌产业的现状与分析 . 82.1 我国食用菌产业的现状 . 8 2.2 我国食用菌产业存在的问题及分析 . 142 .3 加入 WTO 对我国食用菌产业的影响 . 17 第三章我国食用菌产业进一步发展的应对策略探讨 . 193.1 我国食用菌产业发展的优势 . 193.2 我国食用菌产业发展的对策 .
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