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contract模块十二合同和协议的翻译庄月春汪燕飞王丽丹王亮Group 10Contracts and AgreementsContracts and AgreementsContractpay attention to the specific articles and is based on the agreementAgreementfocus on the fundamental principles and orientations of the two sides合同(Contract)是双方或数方当事人对 某一具体项目承担权利义务的协议,对 当事人均具有约束力。 买卖合同(Sales Contract)委托合同(Consignment Contract)租赁合同(Lease Contract)雇用合同(Employment Contract)贮存合同(Storage Contract)代理合同(Agency Contract) 抵押合同(Mortgage Contract)仓储合同(Ware-housing Contract)Trade Agreement 贸易协议 Barter Agreement 易货协议 Loan Agreement 贷款协议 Clearing Agreement 清算协议 Agency Agreement 代理协议Categories of Categories of AgreementsAgreementsReparation Agreement 赔偿协议 Cooperation Agreement 合作协议 Financing Agreement 融资协议 Consignment Agreement 委托协议 Confidentiality Agreement 保密协议合同 Contract约首 Preamble正文 Body约尾 Witness Clause约首Preamble订约日期 Date of Signing订约双方 Signing Parties双方合法依据 Each Partys Authority订约地点 Place of Signing订约缘由 Recitals of “Whereas” Clause正文Body定义条款Definition Clause基本条款Basic Conditions 一般条款General Terms and Conditions其他条款Others定义条款(Definition Clause)是对合 同书中反复使用的词汇或在合同中具有 特定意义的用语进行说明和解释。经常在合同中做出定义的用语有: product(产品),licensed product(许 可产品),trademark(商标),know-how (专有技术),industrial property right (工业产权),technical documentation (技术资料),exclusive territory(独占 地区),etc.基本条款(Basic Conditions)即经过交易 磋商达成一致的条款,体现了双方当事人 具体的权利与义务。Name of Commodity (品名 )Quality (品质 )Specifications (规格 )Quantity (数量 )Packing (包装 )Price (价格 )Insurance (保险 )Inspection (检验 ) 一般条款General Terms and Conditions合同有效期限Duration of Contract合同的终止 Termination of Contract不可抗力 Force Majeure通知手续 Notice仲裁 Arbitration适用的法律 Governing Law合同的修改 Amendment of Contract合同的让与 Assignment of ContractExport and Import License输出入许可证条款Complete Contract完整契约条款Contract Revision契约修改条款Representation and Warranties声明与保证条款Non-disclosure or No Publicity保密条款其他条款 Others合同的份数Copies of the Contract使用的文字Languages Used 效力 Effectiveness签名 Signature盖章 Seal约尾Witness Clause http:/www.chinalawedu.com/news/2004_10/11/1401144940.htm合同的语言特点准确(accurate dictiondiction ) 正式(formal) 1使用正式的、法律用语2 大量使用古英语和外来词求异型3 词语并列3.1 词语并列结构(成对词)3.2 成对同义词结构求同型专业化(professional) 使用情态动词 使用情态动词 英文合同的用词一般都是正式、规范的语言,情态动词的使用就体现了这一 特点。 如May, shall, must ,may not (或shall not)的使用。May 旨在约定当事人的权利(可以做什么)Shall 约定当事人的义务(应当做什么)must 用于强制性义务(必须做什么)may not (或shall not)用于禁止性义务(不得做什么)e.g. 1. The Seller shall present the following documents required for negotiation to the banks.卖方必须将下列单据提交银行附议. e.g. 2. Party A shall not supply the contracted commodity to other buyers in the above-mentioned territory.甲方不得向上述地区其他买主供应本合同项下商品 正式用语(Formal Terms) 词词或短句常用一般不用 因为为by virtue of due tobecause of 在之前 prior to before 关于 as regards, concerning 或 relating to,about事实实上 in effect in fact 开始commencementStart 或 begin 停止做cease to dostop to do 其他事项项miscellaneousother matters/events 理解合同construe a contract 或 comprehend a contractunderstand a contract认为认为Deem consider(少)Think 或 believe愿意做intend to do或desire to dowant to do 和 wish to do修改amendchange, correct 帮助assisthelp 通知advisetell 召开convene hold, call 解释释construeexplain, interpret 参与partake injoin 但是provided thatbut 终终止terminateend 递递交surrendergive 给给予rendergive 同意consentagreement正式用语(Formal Terms) 用词专业(Technical Terms) 合同用词不以大众是否理解和接受为转移,它是合同语言准确 表达的保障。词汇词汇常用一般不用赔偿赔偿indemnitiescompensation不动产转动产转 让让conveyancetransfer of real estate房屋出租tenancyrent停业业wind up a business或cease ( 名词词是cessation) a businessend/stop a business财产财产 出租lease of property 以实实物出资资investment in kindAt the request of Part B, Part A agrees to send technicians to assist Part B to install the equipment.e.g. 在乙方的要求之下,甲方同意派遣技术人员帮助乙方安装设备。e.g. 在加工贸易中,生产方对原材料和产成品都 没有所有权。In processing transactions, the manufactures never have title either to the materials or the finished products.大量使用古英语和外来词这些词主要来源于古英语和中古英语,主要是由here-,there-和 where- 与一个或几个介词组成的复合副词,如hereafter(此后,今后), hereby(特此,兹), herein(此中,于此,本合同中),hereinafter(以 下,此后,在下文), herewith(与此一道), hereof(于此,在本合同中 ), hereto (于此),hereunder(在下文,据此,根据本合同),hereunto (于此), wherefore(为此,因此),wherein(在那方面),whereof( 关于那事/人)等。 1.古英语的应用e.g. Omission of reference in the detail specification to a particular requirement of this specification shall be interpreted as compliance herewith若专用规范中对本(通用)规范的某一特定要求省略,则以本(通用 ) 规范为准。 e.g. In witness whereof the respective plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty and have affixed thereto their seals. 双方全权代表在本条约上签字盖章,以昭信守。 hereto-to this到此为止, 关于这个 e.g. According to the schedule of payment attached hereto根据在此附上的付款计划表。 hereof-of this于此, 关于此点 more hereof later .(关于这一点)详见后文. You will find the signature of Mr.Yokota at the foot hereof. 横田先生签名如下。therein-in that在那里 Please note that all the prices stated therein are subject to change on account of market fluctuation. 请注意表列价格须随市场变动而修改。2.外来词的应用合同中的外来词大多数来自拉丁语,也有部分来自法语 。 如addiem(在指定日期),status quo(现状) ,null and void无效, vice versa反之亦然,adhoc 特别,临时,as per(按照)、de facto(事实上的 ),pr
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