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基于单片机简易数控直流电压源的设计摘 要本设计以 AT89S52 单片机为核心控制芯片,实现数控直流电源功能的方案。设计采用 8 位精度的 DA 转换器 DAC0832、三端可调稳压器 LM350 和一个 UA741 运算放大器构成稳压源,实现了输出电压范围为1.4V+9.9V,电压步进 0.1V 的数控稳压电源,最大纹波只有 10mV,具有较高的精度与稳定性。另外该方案只采用了 5 个按键实现输出电压的方便设定,具有设定值调整,微调(步进量 0.1) ,粗调(步进量 1)三种调整功能,显示部分我们采用了三位一体的数码管来显示输出电压值。我们自行设计了12V 和 5V 电源为系统供电。该电路的原理是通过 MCU 控制 DA 的输出电压大小,通过放大器放大,放大后的电压作为 LM350 的参考电压,真正的电压还是由电压模块 LM350 输出。利用 5 个按钮调整电压、并且通过共阴极三位一体 LED 显示输出的电压值。设计使用 3 三位一体数码管,可以显示三位数,一个小数位,比如可以显示5.90V,采用动态扫描驱动方式。与传统的稳压电源相比具有操作方便,电源稳定性高以及其输出电压大小采用数码显示的特点。关键词:数控,步进,三端可调稳压器ABSTRACTABSTRACTThe design is with the MCUAT89S52 for the core control chip,which carry out the project that the function of the number controls the direct current power supply.Designed with the precision of eight DA converter DAC0832, three-adjustable regulators LM350 and a UA741 Operational Amplifiers constitute Regulators source, the output voltage range of +1.4 V +9.9 V, 0.1V voltage step NC Regulators Power, it has with high precision and stability and only have the biggest ripple of 10 mV. Meanwhile, the program used only five keys to achieve the convenience of the output voltage setting ,with setting value adjustments. It has three kinds of adjust function,which can carry out micro-adjustment (Stepping volume 0.1)and the coarse adjustment (Stepping volume 1). The show part we have adopted a three-dimensional digital pipe to show the output voltage value. And we designed the 12V and 5V power supply system for electricity. The principle of that electric circuit was that the output voltage size which passes the MCU to control DA, passing the amplifier amplification, and the voltage is the reference voltage of the LM350. And the real voltage is still the LM350 outputs are from the voltage mold piece. Making use of five buttons to adjustment voltages, and pass the total cathode Christian Trinity LED to display the outputs voltage .In this design I used 3 piece code tubes, which can show three position numbers, one of them is a fraction position. for example ,it can show a 5.90 Vs. In this design I adopt the scan to drive way is dynamic state sweep. With traditional steady press power supply to compare to have an operation convenience, the power supply stability high characteristics, its exportation electric voltage size adoption figures show.Keywords: Numerical Control, Stepping,Three-adjustable regulators 目 录第 1 章 绪论11.1 研究背景及意义11.2 国内外研究状况11.3 课题研究方法2第 2 章 数控电压源的总体方案介绍32.1 数控电压源的方案论证32.1.1 方案一:采用单片机的数控电压源的设计32.1.2 方案二:采用调整管的双计数器的数控电压源的设计32.1.3 方案三:采用调整管的十进制计数器的数控电压源的设计42.2 数控电压源的方案比较52.2.1 数控部分的比较52.2.2 输出部分的比较52.2.3 显示部分的比较5第 3 章 数控电压源的工作原理63.1 整机电路框图63.2 工作原理63.2.1 DA 转换电路工作原理63.2.2 电压调整电路工作原理73.2.3 数值计算8第 4 章 单元电路工作原理94.1 时钟电路94.1.1 时钟振荡电路图94.1.2 时钟信号的产生94.2 复位电路94.3 键盘接口电路
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