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American LiteratureLecture 8 1、How much do you know about him? 2、Have you ever read any books of him? 3、Give your comments on the heroes in his books.1899-1961Ernest HemingwayvMotto: v1. One can be diminished but cant be defeated.v2. grace under pressurev -by Hemingwayv 1. Hemingways life v(1) born in a small town called Oak Park in Illinois near Chicagov(2) father: a successful physician, middle class, love fishing and hunting; v(3) a happy childhood; a lover of brutal sports, such as boxing and football in middle school. He did run away from home twice and observed once that the best training for a writer is an unhappy boyhood.v(4) Though his father hoped him to be a physician, Hemingway refused to enter university. He chose to be a reporter.v(5) During the WWI, he wanted to join the army but was refused because of his poor eyesight. Then Hemingway came to Italy to work as an ambulance driver. He was seriously wounded in the battlefield. The nightmarish war experience changed his life.v(6) After the war, he still worked as a reporter. He was sent to Paris and knew Pound, Gertrude Stein, Sherwood Anderson and some other famous writers who encouraged him to write.v(7) He also worked as a war reporter in the Spanish Civil War and the WWII.v(8) He is a tough guy with rather masculine manner. In all his life, he loved tough games, such as boxing, hunting, deep-sea fishing, bullfight and so on. He was injured many times. He suffered at least a dozen injuries to the brain, and survived three bad automobile accidents and two air crashes. In all the operations, 237 steel fragments were taken out from Hemingways body. He was admired as a hero by lots of people and his life style was imitated.v(9) In 1961, Hemingway shot himself with gun in his home. (Reason? cant write, cant enjoy tough games, bad health etc.)vThought-provoking question: Do you think it a paradox between his life view and his way of death?2. Major Worksv(1) “The Sun Also Rises” 1926. (Disillusion of the whole generation after the WWI; the characters indulged themselves in depraved life to make themselves numb. Characters: Jack and Brett) (title of the novel: from Holy Bible P232vThe sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose. )v(2) “A Farewell to Arms” 1928 (a tragic story about war and love) (Hero and heroine: Frederic Henry and Catherine Barkley)v(3) “For Whom the Bell Tolls” 1940 (Spanish civil war) (also a story about war and love) (the title of the novel: from John Donnes sermons) Any man death diminishes me, I am involved in mankind and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.(没有人 能自全,没有人是孤岛.丧钟为谁而鸣,我本 茫然不知晓,不为幽冥永隔,它正为你哀悼 shows the brotherhood of human being, which is badly needed nowadays)v Conclusionv(1) From Hemingways novels a clear developing process can be found. From the lost state at the beginning, he gradually found out the significance of life and the principles human should hold in a meaningless world. “The Old Man and the Sea” can be taken as a conclusion of his ideas.v(2) Common theme of his novels: “grace under pressure”v(3) “Hemingway heroes” (P228): a noble but tragic hero; fighting with the overwhelming force; though he knows that he will be defeated at last, he decides to act like a hero(海明威对命运的看法可联 系古希腊悲剧的俄狄浦斯王Oedipus the King,而他对人物的塑造又可联系古希腊神 话中的西西弗斯Sisyphus )v(4) Significance of “Hemingway heroes”: restoring the human dignity in the 20th century.vHemingway hero possesses the “despairing courage” (Bertrand Russell), it is this courage that enables a man to behave like a man, to assert his dignity in face of adversity.v(5) Hemingways opinion on the world and life: a black ,naturalistic view of the world and sees it as “all a nothing and all nada”. The typical Hemingway hero is one who wounded but still more sensitive and wounded because stronger, enjoys the pleasure of life in face of ruin and death and maintains through some notion of a code, an ideal of himselfv(6) Colloquial style: influenced from Mark Twain and his journalist career vspecific, common-found word, vSimple, short, even ungrammatical sentences. vDirect, clear and positive style, yet highly connotative.vHe once said that” I write with one leg standing.v vHis style was described as “iceberg” v“ always try to write on the principal of the iceberg. There is seven-eights of it under water for every part that shows. Anything you know you can eliminate and it only strengthens your iceberg. It is the part that doesnt show. ” - HemingwayThe Lost GenerationThe term “lost generation” was coined by Gertrude Stein, a lost generation writer herself, after World War I. It was between the first and second World Wars. Speaking to Ernest Hemingway, she said, “you are all a lost generation.“Tex
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