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华乐思在线教学直播课堂 马上开始请同学们准备好笔和纸,认真听讲主讲教师:彭硕北京十五中分校英语教师,中学高级教师。宣武 区学科带头人,区兼职教研员,曾带领学生到美 国、英国、德国等国家交流访问。曾在北京市“ 空中课堂”进行远程教学指导。多年担任毕业年 级重点班教学工作且取得优异成绩,获区先进工 作者。Comparison A picture of Jacks 和a picture of Jack 的区别前者指杰克所拥有的一张照片(照片上可能是他本人, 也可能不是);后者则指杰克本人的一张照片。A friend of my fathers 与a friend of my father 的区别 Sam is a friend of my fathers. 山姆是我父亲的一个朋友。(强调多个朋友中的一个)Sam is a friend of my father. 山姆是我父亲的朋友。 (强调是朋友关系,不是其他关系)序数词前面也可用不定冠词,但 意义与用定冠词不同。I have failed twice, but Ill try a third time。 (强调再一次)我失败两次了,但我还要再试一次。March is the third month of a year. (强调顺序)三月是一年的第三个月。I have been ill for the last week. (指从过去某个时间一直延续到说话的一周) 我已病了一星期了.I was ill last week.(指这个星期以前的一个星期。 )我上周病了。It 与oneit 和one 都可以替代上文出现的名 词,但二者是有区别的。It往往指上文出现过的特定的事物,即同一事物; one则代替与前面事物同属一类的事物,并不是同一个 事物。 I bought a radio yesterday,but it doesnt work well. (it代替昨天买的收音机,是同一台收音机。) 我昨天买了一台收音机,可收音效果不好。 I dont like this radio. Will you please show me another one?(拿另一台收音机,是同一类事物。) 我不喜欢这台收音机,你能否再给我另拿一台?what 和whichwhat 常泛指“哪一类”,which 常指 在具体的范围内进行选择。Which color do you like better,red or yellow? (在红色和黄色中进行选择。) 红色和黄色,你更喜欢哪一种?What color do you like?(没有指定选择的范围) 你喜欢什么颜色?what 和 who What is your father?(询问职业) 你爸爸是做什么的? - Who is the man?那个人是谁? - He is my brother。是我哥哥。many more, much more 的用法区别many more只能修饰可数名词复数形式。 如:many more workers 还有很多工人much more 既可修饰不可数名词,也可构成比较级。 如:much more money更多的钱,much more important 更重要介词in 和of引导的短语说明比较的范围如果在一定的地域空间内,用in;如果在同一类事物的范围内进行比较 用of。China is the largest country in Asia. 中国是亚洲最大的国家。China is the largest one of all the Asian countries. 中国是所有亚洲国家中最大的。ago, beforeago 用于表示以现在为起点的“以前”,而before则用 于以过去某时刻或将来为起点的“以前”,故ago常与 一般过去时连用,before则用于完成时态的句子中。 另外before还可作连词、介词等, before前还可加上 long before短语。 I arrived here a few minutes ago. 我是几分钟前到达这儿的。 It took place five months ago. 那件事发生在五月前。I have never before read such a moving story as The Bridges of Madison County. 我从来没有读过比廊桥遗梦更令人感动的故事了。I was told that he had gone to the town half an hour before. 有人告诉我他半小时前进城了。I had seen the film The 39 Step long before. 很久前我就看过电影三十九级台阶 。 already, yet, still作“已经”讲,already 用于肯定句,yet用于疑问句。Weve already met before. 我们以前已经见过面。Have you been to Paris yet? 你去过巴黎吗?作“还”讲,yet用于否定句,still主要用于肯定句 、疑问句,表示“依然、继续”,有时也用于否 定句。The rain hasnt stopped yet. 雨还没停。It is still raining now. 现在雨还在下。 too,as well, also, eithertoo 和as well 主要用于肯定句和疑问句,多用于 口语,一般放在句尾,但有时根据修饰的需要,位 置也可以灵活变动。If you would like to go, I will go, too. 如果你想去,那我也去。She can dance and she can sing as well. 她会跳舞,也会唱歌。also 主要用于肯定句和疑问句,多用于书面语, 一般放在句中与动词连用。 She can dance and she can also sing. 她会跳舞,还会唱歌。either 用于否定句和否定的疑问句,往往放于句尾。 She cant speak Chinese and her husband cant either.她不会说汉语,她丈夫也不会。hard,hardlyhard 意为“努力”,而hardly意为“几乎不”。No one works harder than the new comer. 没人比新来的那个人工作更卖力。I could hardly understand the physics professor. 我几乎听不懂物理教授的课。rather, fairly两词都可以作“相当”讲,前者修饰褒义词或贬义词皆 可,而后者只修饰褒义词。请仔细比较下列各句: The book is rather easy for the children of 10.这本书对于10岁的孩子来说太容易了。The book is fairly easy for the children of 10.这本书对于10岁的孩子来说难易正适中。Your story is rather interesting.你的故事相当有趣。 rather可修饰比较级或too引起的短语,而fairly则不可。I feel rather better today.今天我感觉好多了。The question is rather too difficult for me.这个问题对我来说太难了。deep,deeplydeep往往指有形的“深”,而deeply往往指比喻意义上的“深”。Frogs will go deep under the ground to have a long sleep in winter. 冬天青蛙会深入地下进行冬眠。Still waters run deep. 静水流深。I was deeply moved by your story.我被你的事迹深深打动了。wide , widelywide有形的“宽”,而widely指比喻 意义上的“宽广”、“广泛”等意。All the children opened their eyes wide at the news. 听到这个消息,所有的孩子都睁大了眼睛。Computers are now widely used in almost every way. 今天计算机几乎在各个领域都得到了广泛应用。课间休息五分钟课间休息五分钟raise 和riseraise意为“举起,抬起,使升高”,只可以作及物动词 ,后面要接宾语。在表示举起时,是举起另一个东 西,虽然也是主语发出的动作,但作用对象是其他 。 Can you raise your arm above your head? Do you know how to raise your voice?rise意为“上升,升起”,较多情况下用作不及物动词 , 后不能接宾语,没有被动语态。表示升起时,表 示主语本身的动作,多表示起身、起床、上涨等意 义。 The sun rises from the east. The flood has risen two feet.练习 (用raise 和rise的适当形式填空) 1.Prices_ every day in those country.2.Heavy rains _ the river.3.The chairman _ from his chair.4.His speech _ my interest.riseraisedroseraisesthrough 和acrossthrough作介词讲时,表示空间,常 指“从事物之间穿过”,多指穿过“门 、窗、洞、森林、隧道”等立体空间。 They drove through the tunnel.across多指“从某个平面上横过”,如,穿过“街道、 马路、桥梁”等。 You mustnt run across the road.练习 ( 用through和across填空 ) 1.They go _ the bridge every day. 2.Tim went _ the gate and ran to the street. 3.The sunshine can reach the vegetables _ the glass. 4. Go _ the street, and then youll find a hospital on the right. across throughthrough acrossalive live livingalive意为“活着的,活着”,强调 生死之间的界限;也可意为“有活力 的;充满的”。在句子中常作表语,可用于人或动 物;若作定语用,需要放在修饰词之后。He must be still alive.living 意为“活着的”,有时用来表示“仍然活在世 上,健在”,在句子中既可作表语也可作定语,可 用于人或物。作定语时常放在名词前面。He is one of the most famous living scientists in the world.live意为“活着的”,“有生命的”,在句子中只能作 前置定语,指有血有肉、活生生的情形,可用于 动物或植物,但一般不用于人。He bought some live fish.Only a few live trees were left after the fire. 练习 (用alive 、 living、 live填空) 1.No man_ will believe you.
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