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Unit 13 Were trying to save the earth第一课时(Section A 3a-3b) 【课前准备】 1.想一想,说一说Do you like animals? How do you help save the endangered animals? _ _ 2.自学自查:根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。 1). Carl is planning to travel by ship because he wants to see the _ (沙鱼)in the sea. 2). You should teach them the _ (方法)of how to grow apples instead of giving them apples. 3). Its _ (有害的)to throw the old battery in the water. 4). Many countries have made _(法律)to keep the animals. 5). If the animals are endangered , it may broke the_ (生态系统)of the world.情境引入 Leading-in 【导学过程】 Step 1交流预习结果 与有关, 对有影响 Id like to play a part in their discussion. 我愿意参与他们的讨论。 Education is playing a big part in environmental protection. 教育在环境保护中起着很大作用。 He played a part in his favorite TV show. 他在他最喜欢的电视节目中扮演了一个角 色。 【当堂检测】 1.-Look! _ boys are playing on the playground. - Yes. _ them is about 200. A. The number of; A number of B. The number of; The number of C. A number of; the number of D. A number of; A number of 2. This is my twin sister, Lucy. Not only she but also I _ goo d at drawing. A. is B. am C. are D. was 3. 汤姆嘲笑那个小男孩是很残忍的事。 It was _ _Tom to _ _that little boy. 4. 你不戴眼镜能看清东西么? Can you see _ your glasses? 5. 不仅学生们被邀请,而且那位老师也被邀请了。 Not only the students but also the teacher _ invited. 6. 吸烟对健康有害。 Smoking is _ _ to ones health.【课后反思】 1.本节课你掌握到了哪些重点句式? 2.通过本节课的学习我最大的收获是什么 ? 3. 感到自己有待加强的是什么?小结与作业1. Look back on what we have learned in this lesson.2. Homework: make a conversation with your parnter about what you can do to reduce pollution.
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