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8A Unit 6(Revision)8A Unit 6 复习主要内容:课文复习重点句型重点词组语法回顾词汇识记表达运用Reading Timmy is a teenager. He _in Taiwan. He _ the _in 1999. He was _some shopping when it_.At first, he felt a _ _through hisbody. People in the shopping mall looked at each other _ _.Some people _because they were very _.liveslives survivedsurvivedearthquakeearthquake doingdoingstartedstartedslightslightshakingshakingininfearfear screamedscreamedfrightenedfrightenedThen the real noise came, like_ under the ground. The _started to _.People ran in all _. I _my best to run to the street too. People were running _as pieces of glass and _were _down. Then the walls began to _down. bombsbombs earthearth shakeshakedirectionsdirections triedtried wildlywildly bricksbricks fallingfalling comecome_,the noise and _ended. He was _and _get out .A moment of _went _ his mind. Then he tried to _ _and _ for help. Finally, people _ in a _ to _away the bricks and stones and _him.FinallyFinallyshakingshaking trappedtrappedcouldntcouldnt fearfearthroughthrough calmcalmdowndown screamedscreamedwerewere hurryhurrymovemove savedsaved词汇识记1. nature(形容词) 2.mop (过去式) 3. shake (名词) 4. trap (过去式) 5. dead (反义词) 6. wind(形容词) 7. fog (形容词) 8. loud (副词) 9.drop (过去式) 10.arrive(名词) 11.fireman(复数)12.frighten(形容词) 13. hear (过去式) 14. frost (形容词) 15. save (形容词) 16. call (名词) 17. break(过去式) 18. fall (过去式) 19. snow (形容词) 20. cloud (形容词) 21. sun (形容词) 22. rain(形容词) n nnaturalnatural moppedmoppedshaking trappedalive windy foggy loudly dropped arrival firemenfrightened heard frosty safe caller broke fell snowy cloudy sunny rainy1. 自然灾害 2. 用拖把拖干净 3. 成千上万的人 4. 一场汽车事故 5. 撞毁 6. 把村庄冲走 7. 引起一场大火 8. 从树上掉下来 9. 感到有点颤动 10. 听到像雷一样的声音 natural disasters mop up thousands of people a car accident crash into wash the villages away start a big fire fall from the tree feel a slight shaking hear a big noise like thunder11. 害怕 12. 开始晃动 13. 四处乱跑 14. 尽某人的努力做某事 15. 疯狂地跑 16. 掉下 17. 镇静下来 18. 被困 19. 自言自语 20. 大声喊救命 in fear start to shake run in all directions try ones best to do sth run wildly fall downcalm down be trapped say to oneself scream for help词组巩固1 填上合适的词组scream for help crash into run in all directions calm down move away1.I told myself _ since I was still alive.2. When the tiger appeared, all the little animals _.3.When Timmy heard the noise above him ,he _.4.Finally, people hurried _ the stones and saved that poor girl.5.Last night a car _ that tree.to calm downran in all directionsscreamed for help to move awaycrashed into词组巩固2 填上合适的词组fall over do some shopping try to find catch fire read newspapers1.While Daniel was making a snowball, he_.2. Their school _because lightning hit it.3.The teachers _when it started to rain.4.My dad _in that shopping mall at this time yesterday.5.I _my way out when I suddenly heard some noise above me .fell overcaught firewere reading newspaperswas doing some shoppingwas trying to find重点句型1.I _ _(睡觉) when it _ _(开始下雨).2.The Taiwan earthquake killed _ _ _ (成千上万人)3.They looked at _ _(对方) _ _ ( 惊恐).4.People were _ _(疯狂地跑)while bricks were _ _(掉下)5.The snow was _ _.( 的确很大)wassleepingstartedtorainthousandsofpeopleeachotherinfearrunningwildly fallingdownreallyheavyBad weather sometimes _ _ _(导致自然灾害)Millie asked me to go to her house because I _ _ _(忘了带) my keys .I _ _(告诫自己) I must _ _( 活下去)When the noise _ _(结束),we _(被困)in a dark place.10.The temperature _ _(降至)-5 yesterday.causesnatural disastersforgot tobringtoldmyselfstayalivewasoverweretrappeddroppedto表达与应用1. 用shake/ shaking填空1. _ the bottle before you take the medicine.2. He felt a slight _ through his body because of fear.3. He _ his head and said No.Shakeshakingshookshake (v.)摇动,晃动 过去式:shook shaking (n.) 摇动,震动2. alive / live / living / life1. All of them _ a happy _.2. These plants cant be _ in this weather.3. Shes one of the greatest _ writers in the world.livelifealive livingalive (adj.) 在世的,活着的,只能作表语living (adj.) 在世的,活着的,可作定语修饰名词, 如living thingslive (v.) 过着,居住life (n.) 复数 lives 一生 Nouns Adjectivessun sun sun sunnynywindwind wind windy yrainrain rain rainy ysnowsnow snow snowy yNouns Adjectivescloudcloudfogfogfrostfroststormstorm表示天气的名词 + y (双写 + y)
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