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Unit 3 Computers TIPSTIPSSome words on the Internet: netizen 网民Net surf 网络漫游computer virus 计算机 病毒cyber 计算机的,网络的browse 浏览cyberspace 网络空间scroll 滚动显屏access charge 接入费cursor 光标BBS 公告板服务 backer 黑客chat room 聊天室click 点击 1. Our homework has been finished by us. 2. The Great Wall has been visited by many visitors. 3.Two films have been seen by Mike since last month. 4. These palace have been turned into museums.Grammar:Have/ has been Ved 现在完成时的被动语态1.The new bridge over the Yellow River has just been completed.2.Many more buildings have been built in the past ten years.表示到现在为止已经完成的某个被动的动作1.被动语态介词固定搭配不能省略。 He has thought of a way of solving the problem.Eg.The accident which happened yesterday surprised me.=A way of solving the problem has been thought of.2.break out/ happen/ take place/ arrive/ become/ die/ disappear etc 不及物动词没有被动语态3.带双宾语的动词give /send/bring/ take/teach/show/ tell/ make/ sing/ write/ sell/buy/ ask/ pay/ borrow/ lend/ hand/ offer/provide/ past/get/promise 变被动 语态有两种方法:(2)=The book has been given to him.(1)=He has been given the book.Eg.I have given him the book.(2) =We have been offered the most comfortable service by him.He has offered us the most comfortable service.(1) =The most comfortable service has been offered to us by him.Change the following sentences into the present perfect passive voice. Put the verbs into the correct form.1.We have bought a new personal computer.2.We have found many problems with our new computer.A new personal computer has been bought by us.Many problems have been found with our new computer by us.3. They have built a PC the way we wanted.4. They have just joined our computer to the Internet.5. We have used the computer every day since we bought it.6. We have written a lot of e-mails on the computer in the past year.A PC has been built the way we wanted by them.Our computer has been joined to the Internet by them.The computer has been used every day since we bought it.A lot of e-mails have been written on the computer in the past year.1.(2004高考 江苏卷) More patients _in hospital this year than last year.A.treated B. had treated C. had been treated D.have been treated2. (2004 高考 北京卷)The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for the Beijing Olympics _ by 2006. has been completed B. has completed C. will have been completed D. will have completed D高考链接C3. (2004高考 广西卷)- The window is dirty.- I know. It _ for weeks. hasnt cleaned B. didnt clean C. wasnt cleaned D. hasnt been cleaned 4.(2004高考 湖北卷)- George and Lucy got married . Did you go to their wedding?- No, I _. Did they have a big wedding?A. was not invited B. have not been invited C. hadnt been invited D. didnt inviteDcv1.common 常见的;寻常的;普通的;非特异的;共同的; 公共的;低俗的v常用短语:v和有(没有)共同点 v have something ( nothing / little ) in common with v和一起;象一样 vin common with v常理;情理 ,常识v common sense v公共利益v common interests v普通知识v common knowledgein common : for or by all of a group 共同 的; 共有的the land owned in common by the residents 居民 共有的土地 In common 常常同have连用,如:have nothing in commonhave little in commonhave something in common have a lot in common无共同之处几乎无共同之处有一些共同之处有许多共同之处2.simple-minded:showing very little intelligence 头 脑 简单的;笨的。Richard is smart but_. 心不在焉的虚心的,没有偏见的 心胸狭窄的意志坚强的低能的,愚蠢的里查德很聪明但他有许多头脑简单的朋友。he has a lot of simple-minded friends.absent-mindedopen-mindednarrow-mindedstrong-mindedweak-minded3.go by (1)pass 经过,过去 时间慢慢过去。 勿失此良机。Time went by slowly.Dont let this opportunity go by.根据交通规则判断,司机应该被罚。_, the driver should be punished. (2) judge by 依据做判断Going by the traffic rulev与go有关的短语:v1)go_after_ (追求) v2) go _against_ (反对) v 3) go _over_( 检查,复习)v4)go _out_ ( 熄灭) v5) go _through_(遭受,经历) v6) go in for (从事,爱好) v随堂练习:v1)_Going by her accent _ (根 据她的口音),she must be from Shandong.v2)_As time passed by/ With time passing by( 随着 时间的推移), she became more and more anxious about her sons safety.4. anyway 无论如何,总之,反正Anyway its worth trying. 不管怎样,这事值得一试。也许会下雨,但我们无论如何都要去。It may rain, but well go anyway.5.deal with 我现在要处理这个问题。你们打算怎样处理本地区的水污染问题呢?How are you going to deal with the water pollution of this area?I will deal with the problem now.(1)处理,安排(2)和打交道,对付,收拾That man is easy to deal with.那个人很容易对付。(或打交道很容易)(3)论述,谈(某问题)These novels do not deal with reality.这些小说没谈及现实问题。(1)n. process of being born, coming into the world 出生,出世,诞生他出身低微。 He is_.他虽然生在法国,但父母是英国人。He is British_ though he was born in France.那婴儿生下来就有七磅重。 The baby weighed 7 pounds_.6.birthat birthby birthof no birthgive birth to it was not true. ( 编造,虚构 )v2) We still need $50 to make up the sum we asked for. ( 补足 )v3) She made up her face to look prettier. ( 化妆;化装 )v4) In Bri
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