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1. Warm-up Questions2. Listening ComprehensionBefore Reading_MainBefore ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingAfter Reading3. Background Information4. English Song5. Topic-related PredictionBefore Reading_1.1Before ReadingGlobal ReadingAfter ReadingWarm-up Questions1. How much do you know about drugs? Can you name a few drugs you have heard of? 2. How do you feel about the photos you have seen? 3. What will you do if you know someone living in your neighborhood is taking drugs or is a drug dealer? 4. Do you know the story of the prodigal son? Are there any sayings about the prodigal son?Detailed ReadingBefore Reading_2.1Before ReadingGlobal ReadingAfter Readinginheritance:Listening ComprehensionThe Prodigal Son 遗产遗产asset:财产财产debauched:糜烂烂的famine:饥饥荒Detailed ReadingBefore Reading_2.2A man had two grown sons and the younger came to him and said, “Give me my share of the inheritance now.” So his father divided all his assets and gave the younger son his share. The first born was to inherit a double portion so the younger son now had one third of all his fathers property. Soon after this the younger son took everything his father had given him and went away to a distant country where he lived a debauched life and used up everything. Just as he became poor a great famine spread over that country and the young man began to starve. Finally he had learned his lesson and it came to him to return to his father, “My fathers lowliest servants have food in abundance and here Im starving to death. I will go back to my father and tell him, Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Please take me on as one of your hired servants.” So he returned home and while he was still far down the road his father saw him and recognized him and was full of mercy. He excitedly ran out to meet him and hugged and kissed him. He told his servants, “Go and fetch the best robe and sandals and a ring for his finger and clothe him. Go and prepare a banquet; we will have a feast and celebrate, for this my son who was dead is alive again he was lost but now is found.”Before ReadingGlobal ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingBefore Reading_2.3Before ReadingGlobal ReadingAfter Reading3. What did the younger son decide to do then? He decided to return to his father. 4. Where did his father see him?His father saw him while he was far down the road.1. How much inheritance did the younger son get? One third of all his fathers property.2. What happened when he became poor?A great famine spread over the country and he began to starve.5. Did his father recognize him at once? And what did he do?Yes, he recognized him at once. He ran out to meet him and hugged and kissed him. 6. How did his father feel about him?He felt very happy because in his opinion, this son used to be dead and lost, but now he came back.Detailed ReadingBefore Reading_3.1Before ReadingGlobal ReadingAfter ReadingBackground InformationAn area of approximately thirty-two square blocks in east-central Baltimore City. The district consists of brick row houses that are still residential. Interspersed among these structures are quite a few brick and stone churches and public service buildings, such as firehouses and schools. The district contains around 2, 000 buildings. Though the houses have suffered from the neglect of maintenance, they are generally in good shape, and a small amount of restoration activity is occurring in the neighborhood. 1. The Oliver neighborhood of East BaltimoreDetailed ReadingBefore Reading_3.2Before ReadingGlobal ReadingAfter Reading2. Illegal drug trade and drug dealersDetailed ReadingBefore Reading_3.3Before ReadingGlobal ReadingAfter ReadingFor some drugs, large-scale drug production is not usually located in developed countries where those drugs are illegal rather, those drugs are often manufactured or harvested in developing nations where corruption and instability allows producers to operate with minimal interference from law enforcement agencies. High demand for illegal drugs on the black market leads to the formation of complex illegitimate production, smuggling, and distribution networks that span national borders and generate billions of dollars of revenue. Illegal supply to consumers is generally via criminal “drug dealers” who purchase drugs in bulk or produce their own. Such dealers are stereotypically associated with organized crime syndicates, though in reality they often work freelance and bear no connection to organized criminal groups. The motivations for participation in the drug trade vary greatly depending on the specific drug.Detailed ReadingBefore Reading_3.4Before ReadingGlobal ReadingAfter Reading3. Foster careA child may need foster care because he / she is a victim of abuse or neglect the parent / legal guardian has died the parent / legal guardian is in jail the parent / legal guardian abandoned him / her the parent /
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