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Unite 5Verbal communicationPart 1.Warm Up 1 values on speech: According to the author, “the west has developed a rich tradition of speech, subscribing to the principle of the universality of meanings. The East, however, has firmly believed that meanings are particular, which has given rise to the belief that a total understanding requires mental unification with the other person.“ If you compare the ancient scholars in the west, such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle with those in east Asia, such as Confucius, Lao-Tze, you can immediately understand the different values attached to speech. In China, we have sayings such as “silence is gold“, “what you mean cannot be told, what you mean can only be felt“, “the moment of wordlessness is much better than any sound of a word“. The author went on to point out that “rhetoric tradition in the west reflects in a profound way the western cultural pattern of logical, rational, and analytic thinking. A primary function of speech in this traditon is to express ones ideas and thoughts as clearly, logically, and persuasively as possible, so the speaker can be fully recognized for his or her individuality in influencing others.“ (Gudykunst, 1984) However, in east Asia, we believe that “speech aimed at social integration and harmony, rather than the well-being of a specific speaker“, and then we “naturally tend to lack arguments and logicality“ and verbalizing ones knowledge is thus discouraged. “if what one said is truthful, the verbalization constitutes a violation of the modesty principle; if not, a manifestation of ingnorance.“ So, better silence than improper words. 21 对语言运用的不同理解: 西方文化一向推崇语 言交际, 它认为“意“可以且必须通过“言“来传达.而 东方尤其是东亚文化则认为“意“是独特的,不具有普 遍性,要想理解一个人的“意“,那你就只能努力和这 个人心意相通. 个人感觉,这就是我们常说的,“只可 意会,不可言传“. 想想苏格拉底,柏拉图和亚里士多 德这些西方先哲,再想想我们的孔子,老子等先贤. 大家之间的差别可不是一点点的啊. 所以,展示个人 思辩能力的修辞学在西方很受推崇,而提倡社会和 谐天下一统的东亚显然不会青睐那种一开口就滔滔 不绝,并一定要分出个是非高下的人. 我们信奉的是 “沉默是金“,“一切尽在不言中“,“此时无声胜有声“.沉 默在东亚文化中,意味着尊重,认可,以及谦虚. “言 多必失“嘛.一件事情,你说出来,说对了,太张扬,说 错了,太无知. 还是不说最好.32. Different language styles. “Asians tend to be concerned more with the overall emotional quality of the interaction than with the meaning of particul ar words or sentences.“ We believe in the long run, our relationships-not our words- will help accomplish our communication goals. “Emphasis of global goals over local goals in Asian communication leads them to be less assertive and less expressive. Asians also tend to suppress confrontations or expressions of negative verval messages. “Courtesy often takes precedence over truthfulness“, which leads Asians to give an agreeable and pleasant answer to a question when a literal, factual answer might be unpleasant or embarrassing.“ We call this “consideration“. (And you can think how bitter I feel when those Americans told me thats not consideration, but hypocrasy. ) And you can expect how we might feel if we couldnt see the same consideration coming from the other side. I cant remember how many times I was forced to elaborate on a word or a sentence I said in a dicussion while I myself didnt think that single word or sentence was important at all. Whenever someone said (and this someone must be a westerner, for no Chinese will say so) “exactly what do you mean by saying.“, I felt at first shocked, then confused, then annoyed, and then angered. Why kept debating on a word while missing the major point I was trying to make? 42. 语言感情色彩的不同:西方人主张充分表达个人的感受. 我们不同,带有强烈感情色彩的词,哪怕是表扬,也会让人不安. 一个在交际中很情绪化的人会被认为是不够成熟,没有自制力. 我们更愿意用,不错,还行来表达喜好,对不喜欢或不认可的事 物,顶多也就是,“不太好吧“. 如果一个西方人对东亚人很直接的 表达出自己的尊敬或喜爱,很多情况下,只能让对方感到尴尬,甚 至怀疑.东亚人的交际语言因此往往是不明确的,模糊的,所交代 的信息非常有限.在“言传“如此有限的情况下,如何实现“意会“ 呢? 这就看你的功夫怎么样了,你需要动用自己的一切知识以及 对这个人的了解,以及对相关语境和身体语言的分析. 所以,除 非你和这个人相交已久,对东亚文化也很了解,否则就会在交际 中遇到很多障碍,误解不可避免. 怎么能让一个东亚人变得直接 起来呢?个人理解,作者的意思是说,那就把他送到美国去吧,当 周围的人都是西方人的时候,他就只能学着直接一点啦. (.最可 怕的是,在这个人开始学会直接的时候,她又被送回了不直接的 文化中,她会怎么样呢,应该有人来研究研究这个哦)53. Expressions of emotions. Uninhibited emotional expression (whether the feelings are good or bad) is held by most western cultures as a rule in communication. But, Asians suppress such expressions. Being emotional is believed by us as a reflection of lack of self-control. “Asians will say good instead of fantastic and not very good instead of terrible.“ “Even when expressing strong personal affection, a style of hesitancy and indirectness is commonly preferred. Asians can be very suspicious of the genuineness of direct verbal expressions of love and respect. Excessive verbal praise or compliments sometimes are received with feelings of embarrassment“.63. 语言感情色彩的不同:西方人主张充分 表达个人的感受.我们不同,带有强烈感情色 彩的词,哪怕是表扬,也会让人不安. 一个在 交际中很情绪化的人会被认为是不够成熟, 没有自制力. 我们更愿意用,不错,还行来表 达喜好,对不喜欢或不认可的事物,顶多也就 是,“不太好吧“. 如果一个西方人对东亚人很 直接的表达出自己的尊敬或喜爱,很多情况 下,只能让对方感到尴尬,甚至怀疑. 7Part 2 ReadingsPassage OnePassage TwoPassage Three8Language VS Communication Thought the bl
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